Brisbane airport domestic to international? (timing,location??)?

2013-06-26 12:04 am
I will be arrive in Brisbane domestic airport and need to go to the international airport to change my flight. I booked the ticket by agency but the flight plan is 8:05am arrive at Brisbane terminal D (Qantas), then 9:15am is the next flight depart at terminal I (Cathay pacific). Does it mean that I have to carry my baggage out from domestic airport, and then check in again at international terminal and passing the customs, etc???
But it seems there is not enough time for doing this. It’s so weird if that’s true to do such process, it is impossible for me to check in at international on time as the counter for check-in will be close. Once the flight fly from syd to bris is delay, what should I do???

回答 (5)

2013-06-26 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ring your airline immediately and discuss the problem with them. The only way you can change your flight is by contacting the airline. If you wait until you get to the airport you will probably find that there are no seats available on a later flight.
2016-12-14 9:32 pm
Terminal D Brisbane Airport
2016-10-07 11:42 pm
Brisbane Airport Terminal D
2013-06-27 10:04 am
Speak to your travel agent as soon as possible because that time frame is almost impossible. Check-in time for an international departure is 90 minutes prior to departure.

If your domestic flight arrives at 8:05am, then you will not leave the domestic flight and domestic terminal for at least another 15 minutes, making it 8:15am. Further delays may be possible if the flight is delayed.

The air-train that takes you from the domestic terminal to the international terminal only goes every 20 minutes, and (after checking the air train timetable) you probably won't get to the international airport until 8:50 am, and will probably be too late for check-in and for the boarding call.

Qantas and Cathay Pacific are partners, so your baggage will probably be transferred across to your international flight. Regardless of your luggage, you'll have to find your way around both terminals, buy an airtrain ticket from domestic to international terminals (3 kilometres apart), check-in, and find your way to the departure lounge.

I don't think your travel agent has acted responsibly in booking the timing of these flights.

I urge you to check with your travel agent. It may be that you are checked in all the way, but even allowing for this, the time-frame is very small, and I hope you will be wearing running shoes.

Make sure you take out travel insurance!
2013-06-26 12:34 am
Check what the deal is with your baggage may be checked straight through to the international terminal...

It's a simple matter to get on to sky rail outside the domestic terminal & no more than a few mins till it drops you at Brisbane international...

It will save you time if you do all your check ins & seat allocation , boarding passes etc online ...
參考: J...

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