
2013-06-25 10:43 pm

回答 (2)

2013-06-27 5:29 am

2. Hong Kong

Your application will take at least 4 weeks. Don’t book any travel until you’ve received your new passport.

Download the application form and guidance notes. Using the ‘Smart application form’ can help reduce errors on your application.

Include 2 identical new photos of you. Follow the rules about passport photos or your application may be delayed.

Include your current or previous British National (Overseas) passport and a copy of your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card. If you’ve lost your identity card, you must send both a personal identification form (PDF, 64KB) and original proof of identity (eg driving licence, utility bill, bank statement).

Send your application to:

British Consulate-General
RPPC - 5th Floor
1 Supreme Court Road
Hong Kong



2013-06-26 2:10 am
1. Follow the website:


2. No - the purpose of that is to confirm identity (since your look may changed from your last passport).

Any British (any kinds) and Commonwealth citizens (like Canadian) who is a professional can countersign.

3. You will be able to renew eventually. The only issue is how far you have to go.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:31:01
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