
2013-06-25 9:01 pm

回答 (2)

2013-06-26 6:15 pm
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其實, 收租又唔熟識法例和自己的權利, 係應該考慮吓搵 收租物業託管服務 的公司幫你管理, 因為避免違規, 唔可以提供有關之公司, 但可以自己在搜尋器搜尋, 就可以很容易找到有關的服務的。

服務的好處, 租客唔交租, 有關的公司都會賠返比你, 而且, 佢地保證每月準時把應收之租金存入你的銀行戶口, 真係值得推薦的。


咁就要自己搵銀行或財務公司, 有需要的, 也可以推薦給你的。


破壞他人財物是刑事行為, 報警交警方處理就可以了, 如果要追賠償, 就要經法庭判決了。
2013-06-26 2:24 am
1. You can only kick the tenant(s) out and collect past due rents by court proceedings.

2. Arrange payment options with the Owners' Corporation (as you don't have other choices).

3. Try again with the police in a different way.

The police is not responsible for past due rent as it is civil matter. But if your tenant intentionally destroys the property, it is criminal.

(In other word, you should focus on the destroyed property rather than past due rent.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:33:01
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