In so sick of being afraid? Please help?

2013-06-24 8:00 am
I have alot of anxiety. I'm so sick of living in fear. I have no idea how to explain this. I feel like screaming. I have so much I want to do. And I'm afraid that something will end my life or something like that. I'm afraid of dying because there is so much I want to do. Every time i see a cloud my heart starts beating and I start trembling. I can't do this anymore. I can't go see a therapist. I live in a family of 6. So I can't waste money on meds. I want to live. But not like this. I want to have kids and to be happy and to just live. And I'm so ******* afraid that at any moment I could be killed. Im 13. Please help. Is this just hormones? Will this pass? How long do I have to wait? I have this feeling of dread and I can't get over it. Dying is always in the back of my mind. I've been this way since I was about 8. Always crying when it rained and freaking out if I got sick. What's wrong with me? Sorry if this question was jumbled, I can't think straigjt

回答 (7)

2013-06-24 8:15 am
same problem with me.
I live in a life of anxiety and worry too because literally I don't know what to do in my life.
cannot you talk to your family about this? I am sure they will come up with a solution.
try consult a counselor if you have to. you mention you were crying and freaking out if you got sick. oh no that's sad. I am sorry to hear this from happening. try not to freak out and try to comfort yourself, and don't think too hard. There are a lot of good people in the world to protect you, so don't worry. Your mum and dad will protect you. Explain something to them, and they will take care of it. Oh I am sure they will. don't worry. Spend more time with your family, ask them what should you do because you are afraid of something. Just tell them about it and you'll be fine.
take care.
2013-06-24 8:14 am
It's better to have lived one day doing all the happy things than to live decades living in fear. If you want to be happy, then be happy. That is all your choice.
2016-11-09 9:30 am
the respond relies upon on the guy. i think of you're making a mistake once you lump all religious human beings into one class. confident, worry is a robust motivator for all people. some each physique is afraid that in the event that they act in opposition to what they think of God needs, they are going to be punished worse. some could desire to be afraid to seem faithless in front of others and placed on a prepare of religion. nevertheless others who could desire to have grown as much as have faith that vacationing medical doctors is evil or incorrect, and that they keep that perception into adulthood and instruct it to their very own babies. on the different hand, a man or woman can actual be brainwashed into doing exceptionally much something in the event that they have faith that it relatively is God's will. seem on the conflicts and wars that have been fought down with the aid of human background interior the call of religion. we've one happening top now interior the middle East. once you hear information approximately that area of the international, it relatively is in many circumstances approximately hatred and killing in thei call of their particular type of god.
2013-06-25 12:39 pm
Hey Rachel,

I can only speak from my own experiences, but I have found for me that the most important thing in my life, above everything else, is my relationship with my thoughts. Because that impacts on how I look at the world.

My advice for is to learn how to develop a stronger relationship with your thoughts.

You create your own reality, your thoughts create your perspective, which flow on to how you feel, how you act and what sort of impact that has on your day to day.

We see the world in the way that we are, not the way that the world is and if you can change the way that you look at things, the things you look at change. So everything in life is about your perspective and figuring out how to look at things in the best light for you (everyone is unique).

I'm not any kind of professional so I can't comment on whether seeing a professional or taking medication is an option, - it could be an option for where you're at. But from my perspective those kind of things are only good at treating things on the surface kind of area (which can be a good way to start), dealing with the diverse manifestations of similar core issues.

Core issues being some kind of imbalance with your relationship between you and your thoughts…

Your mind is a tool that you need to learn how to use otherwise it will use you. It'll paint all kinds of pictures about how bad your life is, the terrible things that have happened, the unfortunate situation etc etc. You need to learn how to use the mind like a tool and observe master it, otherwise it will use you. This isn't the sort of thing that they teach us in school…

You are not your thoughts and you can't necessarily control your thoughts as much as you can control the ocean. It's about becoming more aware of your thinking, observing your mind objectively, without attachment and developing a stronger relationship with it to take the best action for you at that given time.

Think more epic, be more epic. It all starts with thought.

Without the thought that there is a problem, there is no problem, it's all how you look at it. As Captain Jack Sparrow says, "The problem is not the problem, the problem is your reaction to the problem. Do you understand?"

I've put together video series called the 'Think Epic Principles' and at of simple concepts and ideas to help you develop a stronger relationship with your thoughts. Please go along and check them out there is more coming out every week, they could be what you're looking for.

Approach everything with an open mind but no so open that your brain falls out all over the floor. I'm not asking anyone to believe what I say, but take it with a grain of salt and think for yourself. But whatever is said (whether it was me, Ghandi, friends or family, a homeless person etc) if it aligns with you feel free to accept it, if it doesn't don't. But do seek to understand different perspectives. Just because you can understand something, does not mean you have to accept it.

If you find the videos useful or if you have any questions please fire me an email through the site, I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts.

Good luck!
2013-06-25 1:25 am
I know you've said that you can't see a therapist, but if you have this much anxiety, you definitely should seek help. Talk to someone you trust about the things that scare you. Let someone help you. You'll feel better if you don't have to face your fears by yourself.
2013-06-24 8:33 am
Sounds to me like you need a friend or what they call a sounding wall or board. I forget. Anyway its some you can talk "with" who can relate. At 13 there are going to be lots of changes. Including, Courage and Self Confidence. It will come in time OR you can make it happen. Its a BIG step, but it'll get you out of your present state. Introduce yourself around and make friends. The fear and discomfort will disappear and be replaced by Confidence. Focus on putting smiles on peoples faces with compliments and conversations. This sounds like a BIG step, doesn't it? I promise you, you will never feel so alive as when you conquer your challenges. There CANNOT be courage without Fear. You already have the Fear down, now Conquer it. Topics of conversations come from Movies you've seen, Stories you've read or heard and Compliments come from finding nice things to say to people about them. The effort you put into this will take your worries and turn them into energy focused on good stuff and not dwelling on the bad. GET TO WORK, you'll see.
2013-06-24 8:14 am
well you can't do anything if you're living in this kind of fear, and the only thing you can do to get better is to go see a doctor, there are free clinics out there, there might be some herbal things you could try and look into you could even Google this information, herbal remedies for anxiety and stress, but keep in mind no money spent on you for your health is not a waste of money, have you talked to your parents about this and the way your feeling, do they know because if they don't know which I can imagine them not knowing, but they should know and they should be taking care of you, do whatever you have to do to get better, that doesn't sound like you're living a normal happy life and you should be especially at are young age like that you're still a child you're supposed to be having fun

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