幫我翻譯一段話 中翻英 (急)

2013-06-24 9:17 pm
我只是隨口問問,沒什麼意思! 不要誤會!




回答 (4)

2013-06-24 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The message you sent seems very serious and you seems really unhappy.
I am just asking, nothing else! Don't think too much
參考: 自己
2013-06-24 10:16 pm
You sent your message and made ​​me feel very strict beam, and you were not pleased!
I just casually ask, no meaning! Do not misunderstand!
2013-06-24 10:00 pm
Regarding the message you sent, it seems that you are not happy.I talk about it meaninglessly. Hope you can understand and do not mistake my meaning.
2013-06-24 9:58 pm
Your newsletter content, makes me feel like a tight beam, you don't seem very happy!I just ask, there's no point! Don't get me wrong!

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