Need advice on what to do!?

2013-06-24 7:35 am
Hello, basically i think my best friend is insane. I've known him 7 years and we've always been tight! We were both popular in school despite his attributes Im about to mention...when we were younger - 12 - 15 he thought he could become a dragon! We all laughed and ridiculed him and we got over it! Then he thought the world was going to end in 2012, which i suppose a lot of people did, not a big deal right...wait! We both grew up in Ireland. He moved to Australia last September and i moved to America last month! I've been keeping in touch with him a lot but lately he been acting extremely unusual! This is basically what he's been saying in a nutshell...he went to an oracle and he said she described his past to a tee. Now he thinks he's an angel he says that he cant smoke weed cuz it slows down the process of becoming an angel, he says he can visit spirits in the astral plains , he thinks he can travel through other dimensions and that he does! He described an incident where he helped people in a crash in Kentucky, Virgina whilst he was in Australia!

This is really not even half the story! I don't know what to do, his brothers have given up on him! I lectured him on this, trying to get him to see how ridiculus it all sounds, but he wont listen to me, he just says i don't tell you how to live your life don't tell me how to live mine! Please is there any advice on what i should do, Is there anything you can tell me about him pycologically from reading this?

Thank you much appreciated.

this is the last thing i said to him on facebook... if it helps no man, im sick of ur ****.. ive given u a chance, asked questions, got answers to a degree.. and my conclusion is its all nonsensical, bullshit, crap, fairy tales! Your hypocritical e.g. you dont believe in the bible, but you believe in archangel michael?!?! your not guna become an angel when your 35 cause some **** with a magic ball said you were, you believe this 100% with no doubt in your mind - that bothers me! remember when you thought the world was guna end in 2012 and it DIDN'T, just like i said it wasnt! remember when you thought you were a dragon, and i told you you were'nt, and you werent! im telling you again that your not an angel and you never will be! Just THINK about it, look at how ridiculos it all sounds! your archangel michaels brother, your an angel, you can visit spirits in the astral plains, you can travel through dimensions, you helped people in a crash in kentucky half way across the world,

回答 (5)

2013-06-24 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well he had a big imagination when he was a kid so is not like he is crazy, he will just believe anything "magic" related cuz thats what he wants in his life. I don't know if weed slows the process to become and angel but it does slows the process of thinking, so maybe he had to much weed, and I mean this not as a joke, maybe he did killed a lot of his neurons, and that might be affecting his judgment. But he is probably fine and you could just support him with his path IDK, help him become and angel. Make him explain to you what he "sees" or what he "needs" to do and talk to someone like a psychologist.
Good luck.
2013-06-24 3:01 pm
I don't know what an oracle is and what does tee means,
and I have never heard of the astral plains before, but I'll try my best to answer this question.
so he wants to become an angel? that's weird, but quiting smoking is a good thing.
visit spirits in the astral plains? that's a laugh. tell him those things are not real and are not good for his mental health. This thing is getting weird. You have to tell him that he's not a dragon and the world won't end like this. Does he need any medication therapy? Does he require medication? Try consult with a counselor or a family doctor to see what you can find.
and no, he cannot become a dragon. just tell him he cannot be a dragon, that's all.
and tell him travelling through other dimensions are impossible. Tell him those are just drama from films, they aren't real. Otherwise we'll all need some mental help from doctors, if we can see that we can "actually" travel through the dimensions. And no, that's not possible.
Just tell him angels aren't real, travelling through dimensions aren't possible, so don't be fooled into seeking it.
2013-06-24 2:50 pm
Sounds like a pot head.
He needs to get cleaned up and drug free.
2013-06-24 2:43 pm
less exclamation marks, girl.

He could just be messing with you... or he's going through a phase. Doesn't sound too dangerous.
2013-06-24 2:42 pm
Sounds like you need to stop befriending mentally retarded kids. He's ****** up that's my diagnosis

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