If you take a style to master. Give a shout out. Let it be known. I would like to put you on my friends list?

2013-06-24 6:49 am
Kempo Karate 1984
Chang-Hun TaeKwon-do 1999 to present
School owner
Deputy Sherriff
Us Military

John then don't look or reply. Marial arts has made me a little crazy. So go away bugg

回答 (8)

2013-06-25 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh blow it out your a s s !!!

You need to stop harassing people here.

No one needs to prove anything to you.

Everyone here proves who they are by the Context and Depth(or lack thereof) of their answers.

Your posts have neither.
2013-06-24 9:24 pm
i'll get back to you in another 30 years, i'll be closer then to understand a style enough perhaps to give you an answer.
參考: 30+yrs ma
2013-06-24 4:30 pm
You have some of the dumbest questions I've ever had the misfortune of reading.
2013-06-24 2:06 pm
2013-06-24 10:44 pm
I too mo.
2013-06-24 3:02 pm
2013-06-25 3:18 am
I simply want to master my own body, like Bruce Lee. I don't want to master any one style, but master all techniques and strategies that I learn in my lifetime. I absorb from all different styles and systems in an attempt to have a complete answer to fighting and self defense.
2013-06-25 1:52 am
For people with already some successful self-defense experiences, jobs, hobbies, girlfriends e.t.c, cool and relax, between the age 25-35 which is a very common adult group to involve in martial arts when hypothetically all things equal (quality of instruction and place of training e.t.c) I would suggest Wing Chun.

The reasons why is that it is a beautiful martial art, but with just 6 forms that can be learned adequately in the time schedule of somebody with a job, a wife or girlfriend other hobbies e.t.c and has most probably just 5 hours per week to train, (3 times per week 1 hour and 40 minutes for example). It can have several benefits as well and I think is ideal for that group.

More combat sports or traditional martial arts or self-defense systems I would suggest for different groups. Of course I am speaking in general.

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