On-off boyfriend neglectful?

2013-06-24 6:32 am
We've known each other for a year and it was amazing dating him. He sent me long sweet texts, was the first to say I Love You, asked me out, everything. We got pretty rocky and finally a year later reunited and I told him this time I want it to work.

Usually we talk, hes extremely attentive and showers me with love and affection, then he gets neglectful and I don't hear from him for two days at a time, and even then it lasts for about 10-15 minutes. When I bring it up and how it makes me feel awful he just says "okay" "oh sorry" half heartedly. Then I get mad and stop talking to him for a month or two.

He still says I love you though which must mean something. I don't know what to do. Any input?

回答 (2)

2013-06-24 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
hes defanintly considering other girls. youre probably that "girl he cant let go"...you just let him have control..and thats not good. take ur control back.. men love the chase..you let him win you and he is bored..im not saying play hard to get..im saying to let him be him but at the same time you be you. do your thing. dont wait on him and show him that you are thinking about him all the time. hes just gonna push you away the more you smother the situation. be light hearted in things that you would normally get mad at.. control your emotions.. always look at yalls relationship from a different perspective..or point of view..if he loves you he will always be around. dont be a cling. dont get suspicious. dont cheat for attention. worse mistake. but accept him truly. dont straight up tell him everything..show him everything.. show light-heartedness...show love..show that youre confident and that you got yourself together... dont rub it in his face..but beleive me..he will be on hands in knees..but dont give in to gettin all super mushy girly on him..he will run again.. so try and just tone it dow na few notches and see what happens. dont text him for a week after he finally text you..start there. and then take my advice after that
2013-06-24 1:41 pm
Js a gues,z his zodiac sign scorpio? :-D
It happens dear... sm guys tend 2 b moody+secretive (henc u dnt hear frm his end 4 a couple of days)
He's still sayin he luvs u... dat msg z vry clear in itself... HE LUVS U!
I'd suggest b wid him.. smtym casually ask him,z der ny prob he's goin thru n wld lyk 2 share smthng wid u?
Hope dat helps...

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