Capricorn boyfriend neglectful?

2013-06-24 6:11 am
Hi, I'm a Libra dating a Capricorn. We've known each other for a year and it was amazing dating him. He sent me long sweet texts, was the first to say I Love You, asked me out, everything. We got pretty rocky and finally a year later reunited and I told him this time I want it to work. Usually we talk, hes extremely attentive and showers me with love and affection, then he gets neglectful and I don't hear from him for two days at a time, and even then it lasts for about 10-15 minutes.

When I bring it up and how it makes me feel awful he just says "okay" "oh sorry" half heartedly. He still says I love you though. I don't know what to do.

Any input?

回答 (4)

2013-06-24 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
That's tough. I think you really have to stand behind the fact that "disappearing" for two days at a time -- without communication -- is just not okay when you're seriously dating someone. I mean, sure, maybe the guy needs a couple days to be alone. It's not a huge crime but you need to be clear that -- being that he's in a RELATIONSHIP -- you would appreciate him (NEED HIM) to communicate that with you pre-solitude blitz. And Caps do need their space but he just needs to be more of a man about it. I mean unless you're overly possessive or can't stand the guy taking some time away (?). It sounds more like he just dashes without warning and leaves you hurt and confused because you're ... ummmm normal and you can't pretend not to notice his absence. Nor should you. How crazy making!

Also, the half-hearted apology thing isn't working. He could get himself out of this whole mess by being upfront and frank about what he needs. It needs to be a discussion. You may need to accept his need to withdraw (5 good days out of 7 ain't bad!) and he may need to accept the fact that you need a text or phone conversation pre-withdrawal if just something like "I need a couple days to be alone ... love ya"

I mean it's a little ... interesting ... he needs a full 48 hours without so much as a text but I don't know the guy. I can see how a Cap can be a little off-putting to a Libra. Libra's don't usually get the whole stony silence thing and Caps aren't known for self-expression or expressing their needs. But you guys have to communicate and make agreements or it's not a relationship --- it's just him doing what he wants and you being disappointed. Saying "I love you" and loving you in the way you need are two different things. Figure out what works for both of you and if he can't hold up his end of the agreement, make it clear the consequence is, sadly, you loving yourself enough to look after your needs and find someone who cares about you enough to do the same. Right now he just figures he's getting away with it because there are no "real" consequences. Sometimes Caps need to be hit over the head (figureatively!).

Just my opinion. And that of everyone at Kidding. Just me. But I am a Capricorn. We can be so rude!!! ; ) Take care and sorry you feel so bad.
2013-06-24 11:28 am
Dont worry hun. He may be just really busy or got caught up with something, like Lisa said may be responsibilities from work or something he needs to attend to. He will be back. But if its something u cant help but telling him how u feel abt his absence then you can sweetly tell him so and see if he will make some effort.

Ive attracted loads of Capricorn born men. They are reserved but having said that they will reserve the vacancy of their perfect life partner/lover/gf .
2013-06-24 7:55 am
Astrology is right and the Sometimes Caps need to be hit over the head lol very true you need to give him a consequence and he will either be more responsive and will realize this is serious but if he doesnt then I would move on :( hate to say that but also being Capricorn, when I love someone I can be neglectful at times but when my love brings it to my attention I feel bad and try to give more attention I would never want the one I love to feel unloved at all most of the time im neglectful its because of work but my man also knows why because i let him know so he also understands its not that I dont care its that i have responsibilities to fill and when I have more free time i make sure I make it up, yes we do sometimes need space but i also agree 2 days seems long I like my time alone but 2 days with nothing is a lot ans especially knowing how you are feeling anyways I would go with Astrologys words and give him a consequence and hopefully he responds if not im sorry but you do deserve someone who will give you what you need emotionally and so I hope you the best
2013-06-24 6:52 am
i am astrologer shankarnathji i will help you you call this no.+91-9785888494
Follow this link.

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