
2013-06-24 3:03 am
Last Sunday, Liza came to Hong Kong to visit Peter and John. Liza is their friend. She was born in china and has never been to Hong Kong before. She has stayed with them for three days.
Peter and John took Liza around Hong Kong. They took a tram ride on Hong Kong side and they went shopping in causeway Bay. Liza found everything very interesting. She has never seen such a crowed place before. They also took her to the peak by the peak tram. They visited repulse bay and watched people swimming in the sea. They also went to ocean park. They went to Aberdeen to see fishing boats. They had a meal in a western restaurant . Liza lied spaghetti a lot. Liza had a good time

1.How long has Liza stayed in Hong Kong
2.How many times has Liza visited Hong Kong?
3.Where did they watch people swimming ?
4.Where did they have their meal?
5.What did they see in Aberdeen?
6a.Which of the above scenic(名勝)place(地點) have you ever visited ?
(Ocean park)
6b.How did you enjoy there?

請幫一幫我比d提議 and 幫我整成一段 ~~~唔該靚仔and靚女!!!!

回答 (1)

2013-06-26 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
? 我不明你想要甚麼提議 , 但總之問題的答案在這

1. Liza had stayed in Hong Kong for 3 days.
2. This is Liza's first time visiting Hong Kong.
3. They watched people swimming in Repulse Bay.
4. They had a meal in a western restaurant in Aberdeen.
5. They saw boats in Aberdeen.

6a. I had visited the Ocean Park before.
6b. I enjoyed the rides at Ocean Park very much. The animals there are very cute too, especially the pandas.

修改: (沒太多錯.......)
Last Sunday, Liza came to Hong Kong to visit Peter and John. Liza is their friend. She was born in china and has never been to Hong Kong before. She hadstayed with them for three days.

Peter and John took Liza around Hong Kong. They took a tram ride on Hong Kong side and they went shopping in causeway Bay. Liza found everything very interesting. She had ever seen such a crowed place before. They also took her to the peak by the peak tram. They visited Rpulse By and watched people swimming in the sea. They also went to ocean park. They went to Aberdeen to see fishing boats. They had a meal in a western restaurant . Liza liked spaghetti a lot. Liza had a good time

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:31:56
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