
2013-06-23 7:54 pm
Do you have a computer?


回答 (11)

2013-06-23 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I play the computer last year but now the computer is broken. I would buy a
computer next Wednesday. Do you know?
Tomorrow my friend will open a shop. We have to help him to clean the shop
In fact, I have a good time in Hong Kong.

Come near by me.
This thing calls medicine.
How to spell this English words?
Can you speak Chinese?
I don't know.
I don't know.
They are so cute.

How are you
I'm fine, thank you.

2013-06-25 22:49:34 補充:
這裏有咩買? What I can buy here?
你好帥 You are so handsome
我覺得好爽 I feel thrilled
俊俏 Handsome
伶俐 Clever

2013-06-25 22:51:25 補充:
骯髒 Dirty
胡塗 Confused
可悲 Sad
可疑 Suspicious
好看 Good-looking

2013-06-25 22:53:11 補充:
難受 Uncomfortable
難過 Sad
非凡 Extraordinary
非法 illegal
坦然 Calm

2013-06-25 22:55:45 補充:
糊裡糊塗 Groggy
囉裡囉嗦 Long-winded
馬里馬虎 Careless
漆黑漆黑 Pitch-black
富裕 Wealthy

2013-06-25 22:57:42 補充:
黑暗 Dark
貧窮 Poverty
熱鬧 Bustling
笨重 Heavy
深淺 Depth

2013-06-25 22:59:03 補充:
不滿 Dissatisfied
逼真 Lifelike
再見 Goodbye
回覆 Reply
立體 Stereoscopic

2013-06-25 23:01:46 補充:
科技 Technology
光度 Photometry
好久冇見 I haven't seen you for a long time

2013-06-30 22:46:33 補充:
一 one
十 ten
一百 one hundred
一千 one thousand
一萬 ten thousand

2013-06-30 22:48:23 補充:
十萬 one hundred thousand
百萬 million
千萬 ten million
一億 one hundred million
十億 one billion

2013-06-30 22:50:47 補充:
一百億 ten billion
一千億 one hundred billion
一萬億 one trillion
十萬億 ten trillion
一百萬億 one hundred trillion
一千萬億 one thousand trillion
2013-06-26 6:11 am
I was still playing computer (games) until last year, when it broke. Did you know that I'll buy a new computer next Wednesday?
Yesterday, a friend of mine started a store, we helped him to tidy up his shop
Actaully, I had fun in Hong Kong.

過來我呢度 Come here to my side.
這個東西叫做中藥 This is called Chinese herb/Chinese medicine
這個英文點串? How do I spell this vocabulary?
你可以說中文嗎? Can you speak Chinese?
我唔識 I don't understand / I don't know.
我不知道 I don't know.
牠們好可愛 They're so cute.

How are you?
Ans: I am fine, thank you.

這裏有咩買? What's for sale here?
你好帥 You're so handsome.
我覺得好爽 I feel so good/awesome.
俊俏 Handsome/good-looking.
伶俐 bright/clever/cute
骯髒 dirty/filthy
胡塗 clumsy
可悲 deplorable / pitiful
可疑 suspicious
好看 (depends on usage etc, TV show-interesting
難受 unbearable
難過 sad
非凡 unique/special
非法 illegal
坦然 cool and composed
糊裡糊塗 clumsy
囉裡囉嗦 talkative
馬里馬虎 careless/slack
漆黑漆黑 pitch black
富裕 rich/wealthy
黑暗 darkness
貧窮 poor
熱鬧 lively
笨重 ponderous
深淺 depth
不滿 unsatisfied
逼真 unrealistic

再見 goodbye/farewell
回覆 reply
立體 three-dimentional
科技 technology
光度 luminosity
好久冇見 long time no see
參考: my brain
2013-06-25 7:25 pm

My computer was broken so I will buy a new one next Wednesday. you know?
My friend will set up his shop tomorrow, so we have to help him to clean his shop today.
I really enjoyed my time in Hong Kong,


come here
This is Chinese medicine
How to spell this word?
Do you speak Chinese?
I don't know
I don't know
They are so cute!

How are you

I'm fine. Thank you!
Lovely. Thanks!
Fine! Thanks!
Good! Thanks!

這裏有咩買? What's good to buy here?
你好帥 You look gorgeous
我覺得好爽 I'm feeling spiffing!
俊俏 handsome
伶俐 agile
骯髒 dirty/filthy
胡塗 confused
可悲 poor/pathetic
可疑 doubtful/suspicious
好看 good-looking /stunning
難受 feeling sad
難過 sad
非凡 unearthly
非法 illegal
坦然 honest/frank
糊裡糊塗 confusing
囉裡囉嗦 nagging
馬里馬虎 sloppy
漆黑漆黑 dark
富裕 rich/prosperous
黑暗 dark
貧窮 poor/poverty/destitute
熱鬧 hustle and bustle
笨重 heavy
深淺 deep and shallow
不滿 discontented/dissatisfied
逼真 vivid

再見 Goodbye/bye/see you
回覆 reply
立體 3-dimensional
科技 technology
光度 brightness
好久冇見 long time no see
參考: ME
2013-06-24 7:40 am
1. 例:你有沒有電腦?
Do you have a computer?

其實我在香港玩得高興.2. I have been playingcomputers since last year. My computer hadbroken at the present time, and I am planning to get a replacement on thecoming Wednesday, you know? My friend isgoing to open a new shop tomorrow, and we will help him to clean the shoptoday. In fact, I am having a great timein Hong Kong.3.
過來我呢度4. Please come over here.
這個東西叫做中藥5. Is this a Chinese herbs?
這個英文點串?6. How to spell thisEnglish word?
你可以說中文嗎?7. Do you speak Chinese?
我唔識8. I do not have anyknowledge in this field.
我不知道9. I do not know.
牠們好可愛10.They are reallylovely/adorable/cute.How are you
我要回答甚麼?You can say one of the following:11.I am doing fine, thanksfor asking. How about yourself?12.Fabulous, can’t bebetter.13.Awesome.
2013-06-24 3:10 am
I play on the computer last year, but now pregnant with the computer, I would buy a computer next Wednesday, you know?
Tomorrow my friend opened shop, we have to help him clean the shop today.
In fact, I have a good time in Hong Kong.

Degree over me
This thing called medicine
The English point of string?
You can speak Chinese?
I do not know how
I do not know
They are so cute
2013-06-24 2:44 am
2013-06-24 1:16 am
I play on the computer last year; but is now impregrated with virus spread through that I make out for a new one next Wednesday. You know ?
Tomorrow my friend's shop grandly opened;we've to help him clean the shop today.
In fact, I've a good time in Hong Kong.
Come nearer by me.
This thing called Chinese Herb.
How to spell the word by English ?
Can you speak Chinese ?
I don't know.
I don't know.
They're so cute, attractive !
How are you ?
I'm fine, thank you.
2013-06-23 10:41 pm
2013-06-23 9:55 pm
I play on the computer last year, but now pregnant with the computer, I would buy a computer next Wednesday, you know?
Tomorrow my friend opened shop, we have to help him clean the shop today.
2013-06-23 9:00 pm
I have been playing computer since last year but the computer is out of order now. So I am going to buy a new one next Wednesday. Do you know about that?

My friend's shop would be open tomorrow. We therefore help him clean his shop today.

Actually, I got a lot of fun touring Hong Kong.


2013-06-29 11:42:38 補充:
Hey, come to me.

This thing is called ''Chinese Medicine''.

How is this word spelled?

Can you speak Chinese?

I don't know.

I have no idea of it.

They are so adorable!

2013-06-29 11:43:46 補充:
Q: How are you?
A: I'm doing fine. Thanks!

2013-06-29 17:28:16 補充:
這裏有咩買? What can I buy here? / What can be bought here?
你好帥 You are so hot/handsome/cool
我覺得好爽 I feel so good / I feel great / It feels amazing/awasome
俊俏 handsome / good-looking
伶俐 smart / agile / bright / wise

2013-06-29 17:38:27 補充:
骯髒 dirty / filthy / nasty
胡塗 dull / stupid
可悲 sad / sorrowful / pathetic / pitiful
可疑 suspicious
好看 interesting / funny (一套戲),good-looking / beautiful / handsome (人)

2013-06-29 17:49:08 補充:
難受 intolerable / unbearable (形容一件令你難受之事/物)
難過 sad / depressed / heartbroken
非凡 extraordinary / peculiar
非法 illegal / unlawful / outlawed
坦然 calm
糊裡糊塗 foolish / absent-minded / puzzled
囉裡囉嗦 nagging / annoying
馬里馬虎 untidy / irresponsible

2013-06-29 17:55:13 補充:
漆黑漆黑 pitch-black
富裕 rich / wealthy / affluent
黑暗 dark / dim / shady
貧窮 poor / impoverished
熱鬧 bustling / crowded
笨重 heavy / bulky / massive
深淺 difficulty / depth
不滿 dissatisfaction / complaints
逼真 real

2013-06-29 17:57:40 補充:
再見 goodbye / farewell
回覆 reply / answer
立體 three-dimensional
科技 technology
光度 brightness
好久冇見 Long time no see!
參考: 自己
2013-06-23 8:03 pm
I play on the computer last year, but now pregnant with the computer, I would buy a computer next Wednesday, you know?

Tomorrow my friend opened shop, we have to help him clean the shop today.

In fact, I have a good time in Hong Kong.
參考: me

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