升大學煩惱!! (Swiss OR Las Vegas)

2013-06-23 10:31 am
GPA 3.07 宜家就準備升大學 想讀酒店管理

UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
SHMS (Swiss Hotel Management School)

兩間都收左我 比到OFFER我 令我頭癢既就係我應該去邊間呢?
UNLV又好似唔夠瑞士既出名同好, 到底係唔係呢?
學費又差得多唔多呢? 讀書環境會唔會係瑞士好D?

一大炸問題好困擾, 希望可以有人幫下我 ): THANKS!!

補充一下: UNLV係兩年完成個BA DEGREE, 其間要做INTERN SHMS係三年完成個BA (HONS) DEGREE, 其間第1,2年裏邊每半年要INTERN一次,INTERN為期半年, 加埋要1年INTERN, 第3年就唔洗做INTERN啦

回答 (3)

2013-06-23 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. My suggestion is UNLV. See below.

2. Not really.

3. Yes. But Switzerland has a better environment than Las Vegas.

4. It depends on how you choose.

UNLV, as a fact, is famous about it gambling management program (which is an integrated portion of Hospitality Management). As of this moment, it is still a demanding major (this major does not teach you how to become a dealer).

UNLV is good for its price and living cost, as well as easiness to find a internship (You are in a casino town with lots of hotels). But the only disadvantage is the heat and casino (if you like to gamble).

SHMS is not bad. However, given that SHMS is in Switzerland, you may have to learn French or German (even SHMS teaches in English) for living there (and get used to everything again). And living in Switzerland is not cheap at all. The cost in Switzerland can cost you almost as double as Las Vegas.

Last but not the least - Hospitality Management is a very special major. Most people in fact start from the bottom all the way to the top. It is all about finding a job rather than which school you graduate.
2013-06-27 2:20 am
2013-06-23 7:55 pm



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