
2013-06-24 6:13 am


回答 (3)

2013-06-24 6:50 am
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The translation from C/E with past tense,vocabulary etc.
Last semester I got a very severe gastro-enteritis;
Causing me a severe vomiting and diarrhoea illness;
That night I went home.
Both Mom and Dad saw my facial color was very poor;
So they brought me to the emergency unit;
Also stayed inside there all night.
The Doctor said that I had serious dehydration.
Next day back home I was still feeling very uncomfortable.
Causing me couldn't go to school and missing the final examination.
Had to use a compensated exam.
When I got sick and couldn't eat the thing I like best;
That was the worst experience I had in my illness.
2013-06-24 10:17 pm
In school I had a very bad stomachCaused me severe vomiting and diarrheaThat night I went homeMOM and dad saw my face is very poorSo take me to the emergencyLived there all nightDoctors say I seriously dehydratedBack home the next day I still feel uncomfortableAlso go to school cause I can't miss a final examHad to use make-upBut I got sick and couldn't eat anything I likeThat was the worst illness I experience
2013-06-24 11:29 am
Last semester, I got a serious infection in my stomach and guts, which made me vomit badly and keep going to toilet.

I remembered that night, after I went home, my parents brought me to the emergency room when they saw that my complexion was really bad. As a result, I spent a night there at the hospital.

The doctor said I lost much water due to the infection. Even the next day, I still felt so uncomfortable that I could not go to school as usual. Consequently, I missed the final exam, and I had no choice but to opt for a make-up one. Worse, I could not eat my favourite food because of the illness. Therefore, this infection, for sure, is the worst illness I have ever had.


2013-06-24 03:31:13 補充:
第二段:I [remember] that night
參考: 自己

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