Is it a blood moon this weekend?

2013-06-22 4:44 pm
I was outside about 2:00 A.M. (GMT, USA) 'last night' or this morning ...The moon was a strange color. Over the course of about 45 minutes it changed from yellowish to a near reddish hue (definately not blood red), then back to yellow and eventually white. ???

Paul, you might want to work on learning how to do time zone comparisons for Mountain Time to Pacific to East Coast.......Education is a nice thing for those of us who have some.

回答 (9)

2013-06-22 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No it's Supermoon.
Full moon falls on June 23, 2013 at 11:32 UTC (6:32 a.m. CDT in the U.S.). Thus, for many, the moon appears about as full in the June 22 evening sky as it does on the evening of June 23. This full moon is not only the closest and largest full moon of the year. It also presents the moon’s closest encounter with Earth for all of 2013. The moon will not be so close again until August, 2014. In other words, it’s not just a supermoon. It’s the closest supermoon of 2013.
2013-06-22 11:46 pm
It's at its closest approach and it's full, so it's beautiful. And like any natural event explained by science, it's bad news for Christians and other superstitious people. No doubt they are frightened and think it's "a sign."

AND THERE IT IS - "Child of God" has the (cough) "real" explanation.
2013-06-22 11:56 pm
Remember what the Bible says about the end times?

On my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy and I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: … "Unless you people see signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe."
2013-06-22 11:49 pm
You just experienced dust or pollutants in the earth's atmosphere between you and the moon. It's not magic.

By the way, 2:00 AM GMT would be 9 PM EST and 6PM PST, so you were probably seeing the moon near the horizon, when you're looking through the atmosphere horizontally and so seeing more dust and pollutants. The moon is redder or more yellow *always* when seen near the horizon.

Please go get some education.
2013-06-22 11:48 pm
I know tomorrow we are suppose to have a very large moon. It's a point in which the moon is the closest to the Earth, making it appear extraordinarily large.

It's called a supermoon and will be the biggest of 2013.

What you saw i have no idea.
2013-06-23 4:18 pm
Let us know what you see tonight. It's 1:17 AM here in CA. I can't see the moon out my window from here though.
2013-06-23 8:37 am
You get him Godboy! :D
2013-06-22 11:50 pm
A "blue moon" is the second full moon in the same month. There was one last year, there won't be another till 2015.
2013-06-22 11:48 pm
Eh, I noticed it was darker than usual, but it's not really the season for harvest moons yet.

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