English grammer

2013-06-22 5:44 pm
1.Those pupil is primary one pupil.
2.Mami bought me a pair of new shoes.
3.I keep money in my saving account.
4.choose The suitable collective nouns.


回答 (4)

2013-06-22 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Agreement 錯。第一,those 後是用 plural form,即 pupils。第二,因後面的verb (is) 和 object (primary one pupil) 都是 singular,故前面的 subject 也應是 singular,故應改成 That pupil。不過就 That pupil is a primary one pupil 這樣很不自然,因 pupil 重覆出現了,故可以改成 He/she is a primary one pupil。

2. 對。SVO 句法分析: Subject 是 Mami、Verb 是 bought、Object 是 a pair of new shoes。

3. 對。SVO 句法分析: Subject 是 I、Verb 是 keep、Object 是 money in my saving account。

4. 對。這種 instruction/命令式的句子,是用 bare infinitive 作開頭,簡單來說就是 VO (没有 SVO 中的 Subject)。這裏的 Verb 是 Choose、Object 是the suitable collective nouns。


2013-06-22 12:19:12 補充:
補註,第二句的 me 也是 object,但它是 indirect object(object 的一種),而 a pair of new shoes 則是 direct object (也是 object 的一種)

A buys B something (A 給 B 買了某東西)是很常用的,要記住哦。
參考: 自己
2013-06-25 3:36 am
1.Those pupil is primary one pupil.
Those pupils belong to primary class I.
2.Mami bought me a pair of new shoes.
My mother bought me a pair of new shoes. .
3.I keep money in my saving account.
I deposit the money in my bank's saving account.
4.choose The suitable collective nouns.
Choose the suitable collective nouns.
2013-06-23 1:54 am
1. That pupil is in prmiary one.
4. Choose the suitable collective nouns. (大細階出錯)
2013-06-22 6:19 pm
1.Those pupil is primary one pupil.
Those pupils belong to primary class I.
2.Mami bought me a pair of new shoes.
My mother bought me a pair of new shoes. .
3.I keep money in my saving account.
I deposit the money in my bank's saving account.
4.choose The suitable collective nouns.
Choose the suitable collective nouns.

參考: Myself

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