2013-06-22 2:55 am
Angels and Time Lords are people who contribute to society. As a Social Scientist , I m also a Time Lord and when I stand on this world I see people who are refusing to recognize. the existence of Almighty God

If you believe I am a Time Lord you will believe Jesus is also a Time Lord and Mary Magdalene is an Angel, now reincarnated to help people worldwide to understand the meaning of true Democracy by sharing world resources and wealth.



回答 (10)

2013-06-22 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Time Lords are aliens from the planet Gallifrey, they have nothing at all to do with religion. Doctor Who is a Time Lord. If you are a time lord then where is your Tardis?
2013-06-22 2:56 am
Sure , whatever. So what time is it, Lord?
2013-06-22 8:00 am
Where the F are you getting your definitions from? you sound like an idiot who just randomly put words together without knowing what you were trying to say. If you want be to believe you're a time lord at least use proper punctuation.
2013-06-22 3:07 am
As a Doctor who fan- I restate the question- where is your Tardis-
I'd like a ride.
2013-06-22 2:59 am
No I wouldn't believe that.

'Son of sam' thought he was the son of Satan - but he was just another serial killer nut job.

The lunatic asylums are full of them.
2013-06-22 2:59 am
No, you're a person asking a question on yahoo answers, 7 billion more where that came from.
2013-06-22 2:56 am
is the pope evil enough to transgender himself?
2013-06-22 2:56 am
No, because the Bible says that God is the Great Timekeeper...because he created time.
2016-08-26 5:01 am
Angels are for Time Lords
2013-06-22 3:12 am
No, I would not. There is currently only one Time Lord still alive. All the others where killed during the Time War.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:50:59
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