Need 30 thousand how can I get it?

2013-06-21 7:46 pm
I am 19 years old I need 30 thousand for personal use. Can I get 30 thousand through private student loans but then just not go to college and use it for personal use? Or is there a place that will give me a 30 thousand dollar loan that I can pay back each month? Please help me I need the money

回答 (4)

2013-06-21 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
19 year old students don't get 30K unsecured loans. Do you even know what the monthly PAYMENT is on that?

Student loan fraud? No so much either.
2013-06-23 12:16 am
Student loans must be spent on education and related expenses. Hence the name "Student Loan."

There are things called "Personal Loans" for... personal use, however they typically carry high interest rates and you will never get one for that amount at 19.
2013-06-22 3:48 am
You're kidding right?
2013-06-22 2:48 am
Get a job and save it up?
You try a get rich quick scheme you are gonna end up poor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:55:56
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