Student loans question PLEASE 10 PTs!!!!?

2013-06-21 7:02 pm
Hi I really need around 50 thousand for personal use. I am 19 and attending a community college. I am thinking about not transferring and not going to a university at all anymore. And I was wondering is there a way that I could get 50 thousand and say I need it for school but then not go to school and use it towards personal use(I have to get a surgery done for health reasons and no insurance will cover it). I would pay it back each month but I just need 50 thousand and I don't know any other way to get it. So could I just apply to colleges get in somewhere expensive and at I need the loan to pay for this college but then never go? Please give me advice on how I could get a 50 thousand dollar loan at 19 yrs old with no cosigner

回答 (4)

2013-06-21 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Financial aid does not give you $50,000 at one time. You qualify for grants and loans depending on your family's income.

Loans are paid to the school, not to a person, and are first used for tuition, fees, books, etc. IF there is an overage, the school will give you that amount. Loans are paid 30-45 days after each semester begins, just in case a student takes out loans and does not attend classes; in that case, the loans are cancelled and the money returned to the lender. If you attend enough classes to get your money and then quit going, or if you fail the class, you will be on academic and financial aid suspension and not eligible for financial aid after the first semester. You will then owe that money back before anyone will let you attend their college (remember it's in a centralized data bank and you can't hide it).

If you need surgery for valid health reasons, you need to go to your local county hospital and tell them you need financial help for that. If your income is low and your problem is acute or critical, they will take care of you in that way.
2013-06-21 7:03 pm
Get A Job!
2013-06-22 6:19 am
I think that you don't understand student loans or grants at all.
Money is paid directly to the school, you don't get any of it.

If you need money for surgery and no one will cover it, talk to the local hospitals about Free Bed accounts. There are funds to use, if you can prove you need them and meet their income requirements, for people who need care or surgery and cannot afford it. We just used this to pay for my younger daughter's cardiologist.

Also, you're in the wrong category.
2013-06-21 7:19 pm
No you cannot. There is NO way a 19 year old without a cosigner is going to get a loan that large from anywhere. Not for personal use, school use, or anything else. It is 100% not going to happen. Period.

ALL student loans are sent directly to the school to be used for tuition and fees. You cannot borrow more than the cost of attendance at a school. You cannot get any leftover money until after the semester has started and you are attending. If you don't attend, money won't be sent.

You have zero choice but to get a job and save your money until you can afford your elective surgery.

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