subject to 點解?

2013-06-22 3:23 am
1,subject to 點解?

2. none of 點解?

3. neither...nor 點解?

4, We are pleased to announce that your inital application for a possition as a junior clerk has been accepted and would like you to come for an interview.(請翻譯呢一句)

5.insufficient student使唔使+ S (句子岩吾岩?)
a) History course insufficient students attend, so we will cancel it today.

b) Today insufficient student attend the history course, so se will cancel it.

回答 (3)

2013-06-22 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. subject to 是指「受到影響或受到約束」,通常用於條文和合約。例如 the product quality is subject to weather conditions,意思就是「產品質素會受天氣情況影響」 。注意這兒的 subject 是形容詞,故 subject 前要有 be 哦。

2. none of 是指「沒有一個」。例如 none of the students are girls ,意思就是「沒有一個學生是女生」 。

3. neither...nor 是指「既不...也不」。例如 He is neither happy nor sad,意思就是「他既不快樂,也不悲傷」;This is neither an apple nor an orange,意思就是「這既不是蘋果,也不是橙」。

4. 我們很高興表示,你對這職位作出的申請已被接納,我們並希望你能前來面試。

5. 需要 s。另外,第一句前半文法有錯(History course insufficient students attend 完全是中文直譯過來);第二句不能說錯,但看起來怪怪的(不理 insufficient student 這問題 ,文法是沒錯)。我嘗試改一下:

a. The history course is attended by insufficient students, so we will cancel it today. (用被動式)

b. There are insufficient students attending the history course today, so we will cancel it. (比較自然的寫法)


參考: 自己
2013-06-23 9:40 am
1. 1,subjectto 點解? It can beinterpreted as遭受某個情況而有改變/更改or在某個情況發生后始生效. For example:1. Your employment status is permanent subjects to the change ofthe Human Resources regulations on an annual basis. 2. Your promotion to the Supervisory position is subjecting to thefinal approval of the Commissioner.
2. none of 點解? It means 一點兒也沒; 一個也沒For example: He has none of the strengthsof his brother.None of is commonly used tocombine with “the above.” None of theabove means 以上任何一個都不是.

3. neither...nor 點解? It means 兩者都不. Forexample, I cannot locate thesuspect neither at his residence nor his office.

4, We are pleasedto announce that your inital application for a possition as a junior clerk hasbeen accepted and would like you to come for an interview.(請翻譯呢一句) 我們已經接受了你初級文員的申請, 請你前來面試.

5.insufficient student使唔使+ S (句子岩吾岩?) if you useinsufficient student, yes, you do need a “s” at the end.Both of the followingsentences have grammar mistakes.
a) History courseinsufficient students attend, so we will cancel it today.

b) Todayinsufficient student attend the history course, so se will cancel it.I think it would be betterto write it the following ways:TheHistory course has to be cancelled because there are not enough students toenroll.ORSincethe numbers of enrollees are not sufficient enough to meet the schoolrequirement, the History course has to be cancelled.
2013-06-22 4:54 am
subject to係基於某條件,某因素,某人某物等等。

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