
2013-06-21 1:45 pm

回答 (3)

2013-06-28 4:38 am
因為你25歲之後,你可以去學CPE((common professional examin)/ GDEHKL(gradute diploma in english and hong kong law),C.P.E./GDEHK的修業期是一年全日制或兩年兼讀制。
C.P.E.的課程是由大學法學院提供的,而大部份C.P.E.課程都會向畢業生頒授法學研究生文憑(Graduate Diploma in Law)的學歷。普遍來說,C.P.E.是被各方理解為與專業碩士類同的第二專業學歷(conversion qualification)。由於C.P.E.學生本身應當擁有本科學士或相等同的學歷,加上以C.P.E.作為法學專業的資歷,因此在法學的進修中理論上並不存在進修者沒有學位的尷尬情況,是以C.P.E.能夠一直作為「類本科」存在於法律學界之中。
要在香港成為一名律師他們還必須在港完成「法學專業證書(Postgraduate Certificate in Laws)(PCLL)後完成一個為期兩年的實習。
在香港成為一名大律師,須在港完成「法學專業證書(Postgraduate Certificate in Laws)(PCLL)後,跟隨大律師實習一年(俗稱「跟師傅」),加入香港大律師公會後方可成為正式的大律師。
法學專業證書的入學條件包括法律學士學位或Common Professional Exam (CPE)合格, 並需修畢特定的科目和有IELTS 7 或以上的成績畢業之後可以成為實習律師(Trainee Solicitor)或者實習大律師(Pupil Barrister)。
參考資料:an introduction to hong kong business law(pearson)/
2013-06-25 2:12 am
Um..honestly hard to answer this question as I have no ways to know, to what extent that you can use your English and whether you hold any international English qualification, i.e. IELTS/TOFEL.

If you do not have a degree from any universities, there is no way that you can qualify as a solicitor or else a Barrister at Law. So if you are that eager to pursue a legal career, here's some possible routes

(1) Becoming a paralegal
You can go and study a HD in Legal Executives offered by the HKUSPACE (PLK). In this way, you can become a paralegal whose job is to assist the lawyers and handle different legal documents.Yet, being a paralegal is completely different with a practicing lawyer.

(2) Becoming a lawyer via Sub-degree then degree eventually PCLL program
You can also enrol yourself into an associate degree program (Associate degree of Arts (Laws) offered by HKUSPACE or etc). If you have a high GPA, you can apply to read laws at the 3 universities (CUHK/HKU/City U). After 3/4 years of studies, and you graduate in a 2-1 honour, you can enter the PCLL program. Upon so, you can then go for pupilage if you wish to qualify as Barrister.

(3) Pursue a overseas LLB degree.
You can go to countries with common laws jurisdiction, i.e. the UK/Australia and pursue a LLB degree there. You should also endeavour to enrol yourself into more reputed universities so to facilitate to pursue a PCLL in either one of the three universities. You need to graduate with a good honour in order to study PCLL as well.

(4) Study a non-LLB degree, then pass the CPE and enter the PCLL

(5) Study a non-LLB degree, then enter a JD program, and enter the PCLL
參考: Myself
2013-06-21 6:08 pm
法律對英文要求好高,英文底子差D,都解唔到一D用英文寫的法律文句,解唔到即是讀唔到法律課程,都係建議你讀好D英文先再作打算,起碼標準係英語會考Syllabus B 的C grade。

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