
2013-06-22 7:48 am
Not Your Mothers Rules Girl TIp- For those of you who just met a new guy this week, and had a great date-it's too late for last minute plan this weekend!
Hold steady, go out with the girls!! -E


回答 (2)

2013-06-22 3:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not Your Mothers Rules Girl TIp- For those of you who just met a new guy this week, and had a great date-it's too late for last minute plan this weekend!
Hold steady, go out with the girls!! -E

非老媽規矩書女孩撇步 -- 給那些在本週剛遇見新對象,且渡過一個美好約會的女孩們 -- 最後一分鐘的計劃已經來不及了! 沉著點,跟女友們出去玩吧!! --小艾
2013-06-22 2:29 pm
Gosh, stop trying to translate this idiotic book. Are you trying to infect all the
Taiwanese girls now? 一本一文不值的書,爲何要翻譯呢?無聊……

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