去美國 ESL問題

2013-06-20 9:02 pm



3)esl 可唔可以正係讀一年?因為我speaking直頭係P.1,咁制

4)我想係san francisco 讀,因為有朋友係個邊,雖然唔係好熟,但有咩事都可以求救下(我無親戚係外國,係自己一個走去讀)
所以有沒有san francisco 的學校可以介紹一下?




回答 (3)

2013-06-21 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
2)因為我資金唔多,屋企又幫唔到手,都係靠自己,You need a sponsor in order to study in the US. The sponsor should be financially secure enough to provide you with all of your living needs.3)esl 可唔可以正係讀一年?因為我speaking直頭係P.1,咁制知道ESL都分好多LEV.Yes, ESL has a lot of different levels. You can enroll for one year, but in order to fully emulate yourself in the language proficiency, I think you need more than a year to achieve your goal since you said your speaking is only at P.1 level.4)我想係san francisco 讀,因為有朋友係個邊,雖然唔係好熟,但有咩事都可以求救下(我無親戚係外國,係自己一個走去讀)所以有沒有san francisco 的學校可以介紹一下?I am living in San Francisco. Evergreen Valley College is a Community College located in San Jose (1 hour driving south of San Francisco). Evergreen Valley College is a very good school yet the tuition is not too expensive. De Anza College in Cupertino is very good, but the admission requirement is much tougher and way more expensive. If you prefer, you can go to San Francisco City College for your ESL studies.5)ESL的課程多數係幾時開始收生?要點樣報名?In order to be considered for studying in the US, you need to pass the TOFEL test for a score over 500. Normally the school is divided into four different semesters which are Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter respectively. If you want to enroll for the coming Fall, you need to process the aforementioned procedures ASAP.6)申請美國學生簽證難不難?有冇話要咩條件?定我去搵d留學公司幫我攪好會d?(因為我冇咩資金,所以想慳得就慳)It is not very difficult to apply for a foreign student visa. Yet when you go to the American Consulate in Hong Kong, you do need to be interviewed by a Native English Speaker which may ask you details pertaining to your goals and aspiration.I personally went through this process long time ago, and am living in San Francisco right now. If you have further questions, please email me at [email protected].
參考: Myself
2013-06-21 5:52 am

San Francisco State University

Classes in English for Professional Purposes (English as a Second Language) help people who speak English as their second language heighten confidence, accuracy, fluency, and cross-cultural awareness when communicating at work and in their personal lives.

Study English as a Second Language (ESL) at Our School in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
SF State Extended Learning invites working professionals, international students, and foreign tourists who do not need the F-1 visa to practice English in the beautiful, international city of San Francisco. This program cannot provide the F-1 visa to international students.

ESL Classes & ESL Certificate
English for Professional Purposes (ESL) Classes
We offer a variety of ESL classes for professionals to meet your specific communication needs.

English for Professional Purposes (ESL) Certificate Training
We also offer a Multi-Skill Certificate of Completion for Non-Native English Speakers for students seeking a comprehensive approach to developing their language skills.

English for Professional Purposes Brochure
Download the brochure for this program.

English for Professional Purposes Brochure (PDF)
You will need Adobe Reader to view this PDF file.




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2013-06-20 11:43 pm
Yahoo has once again block my answers again. So I have to answer here.

1. To be honest, if your true intend is to improve your English, I will suggest you go ahead and get a A.S. Degree instead.

2013-06-20 15:43:42 補充:
You will have a better opportunities in communication with others for a real learning environment rather than language schools.

(Remember - all the students in language schools have similar English level than you).

2013-06-20 15:44:17 補充:
2. You should expect a budget for about USD,000 per year.

3. It depends on the program.

2013-06-20 15:44:32 補充:
4.Seriously - if you intend to improve your English speaking skills in San Francisco, you can effectively forget it. Most language schools (public and private) are located near by Chinatown. But again - it depends on how much effort you put.

2013-06-20 15:45:06 補充:
6. Actually the visa process is easy. As soon as you can prove your study (document will be provided by the school), as well as your financial resources, almost everyone can get a student visa without issue.

Agents only provide limited help, not including visa. You have to apply the visa yourself.

2013-06-20 15:46:57 補充:
5. Private schools accept students as an ongoing basis. Public schools accept applications 6-9 months before the courses start.

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