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2013-06-21 5:57 am


回答 (4)

2013-06-21 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Taiwan now coincides with the summer, the sun is very strong.
Summer is the season of mangos, sweet taste、juicy flesh. Welcome to come here in your free time and have fun.

2. Sincerely
Best Regards
Best Wishes

參考: 我+Google
2013-06-24 7:16 pm
1.台灣現在正逢夏季,太陽很烈。夏季是芒果盛產的季節,味道香甜、果肉多汁,歡迎有空來玩。Taiwan is now every summer, the Sun is strong.Summer is the season of mango is rich, taste sweet, juicy flesh, welcome to come play. 2.身體健康,萬事如意Good health, good luck 身體健康,事事平順Good health and smooth
2013-06-22 6:18 am
1. It is summer in Taiwan now and every this time, it will be very sunny here. Speaking of summer, it is when sweet, fleshy and juicy mangoes are in season. Welcome to visit here when you are free!

2. 「身體健康」英文通常會寫成 wish you good health,但「萬事如意」則好像沒有類似的說法,英文中通常會祝別人一些具體的東西,如 happiness, luck 等。硬要說的話,with many good wishes for the coming time 應是最貼近「萬事如意」的意思吧。

參考: 自己
2013-06-21 6:48 am
It is summer in Taiwan now. You will certainly wither under the strong sunshine here :-)
Summer is the season for mangoes (mangos). They have sweet juicy flesh and great taste.
Please come visit us when you get a chance.
Best regards.

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