英文翻譯 請進請進

2013-06-21 6:06 am
[ 無助時 想想愛你的人,不管外頭風雨多大 都可以勇敢度過]

回答 (7)

2013-06-24 6:35 pm
Not help think of people who love you when, regardless of wind and rain can stand outside through
2013-06-22 3:19 am
看看這位來自於 Nova Translation 的 Nana 大的自問自答



( rjamesho 大師 優質的回答,因此而被埋沒了,如果英文區因此失去一位學養兼優的良師,才是最大的損失)
2013-06-22 1:47 am
[ 無助時 想想愛你的人,不管外頭風雨多大 都可以勇敢度過]
-->When helpless, think about the people who love you. No matter how bad things get, you can overcome it.

參考: me
2013-06-21 6:31 pm
Think of helpless people who love you, no matter how bad the weather outside can spend brave.
2013-06-21 12:55 pm
Think about those who love you while you're desperate.
No matter what happens, you'll get through it.

2013-06-21 04:57:50 補充:
No matter what comes your way, you'll get through it.

2013-06-21 05:24:40 補充:
Wearing the solicitude from those love you, you could brave the storm upon you.
2013-06-21 6:51 am
Whenever you feel helpless, think of the ones who love you. You can brave through any storms in your life then, no matter how big they are.

參考: 自己
2013-06-21 6:24 am
Keeping those who love you in mind whenever you feel vulnerable,
you will be able to conquer all the harsh challenges coming your way.

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