2.83 gpa end of sophomore year of high school, can i still get into a UC?

2013-06-19 7:37 pm
Wanna into like Davis or Irvine

回答 (2)

2013-06-21 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
UC take GPA over your sophomore and junior coursework. If you work hard enough next year and you have enrolled in sufficient AP and honors courses, your UC GPA can still be 3.5 or above. Davis may be a high reach for you, but you may still have a shot at Irvine. Why not consider other UC campuses such as UCSC, UCR, and UCM if you can boost up your GPA next year? If not you can still enroll in CC for two years and get transferred afterward.
參考: I applied to both UCD and UCI this year as HS seniors and I was admitted to both with Regents scholarships.
2013-06-20 2:47 am
No chance at all.
Kids expecting to attend universities are expected to be smart enough to know how to use the computer to look up individual colleges' admissions requirements - since EVERY college/university lists theirs on their website.

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