easy Integrate needs help >_<

2013-06-20 4:33 am
1.Integrate by Trigonometric Subtitution:

∫ dx/(x³·√(9-4x²)

2.Integrate by finding the partial fractions:

(2→0) ∫ [(x²+x+5)dx]/[(x+1)(x²+4)]

回答 (2)

2013-06-20 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
∫ dx/(x³·√(9-4x²)
Let u = 9-4x², du=-8xdx
∫ dx/(x³·√(9-4x²)
=∫ [(u-9)/4][√(u)]·du/8
={1/8}{[5u^(5/2)-27u^(3/2)]/8}+C where C is an arbitrary constant

Let x=2tanu, dx=2sec²udu
When x=2, u=π/4
When x=0, u=0
參考: Myself:)
2013-06-20 5:11 pm

he used u = 9-4x²
I think it is not uesd by by Trigonometric Subtitution(eg. sin ,cos , tan...)
also =[1/64][5u^(5/2)-27u^(3/2)]+C is not the finally answer
u should be returned back to in terms of x

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