跪求英文大神翻譯 !! 15點

2013-06-20 12:05 am
不好意思..麻煩了 把這一小段翻譯成英文

請你們把帳號還回我 感謝

回答 (2)

2013-06-20 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
樓上的譯法稍嫌機械,感覺上和 google translate 的水準差不多,不靠譜。還是我來吧:

Dear sirs/madams,

I have recovered my password for this account. Sorry for troubling you with so many questions yesterday; I was too worried and I didn't know what to do. I am a very inquisitive girl by nature, and I hope my personality wouldn't have caused you too much inconvenience.

I misunderstood that the account ID you gave me was the login ID for the game. It was for this reason I couldn't login. Now, I'm sure what the right ID and password are, and I won't make such a mistake any more.

Can you please - I implore you - allow me to recover my account? I haven't seen my character for 2 weeks and I miss her very much. I love GW2 and everything in the account.

I hope you can forgive me for being rash and impatient. I'm wrong, and I've learnt a lesson. I promise that from now on I will keep safe my accounts and password, stay calm, and do things properly.

I'd really like to have my account back! Thank you very much!

Yours faithfully,
[your name]

在下款 [your name] 裏加上你的名字就好,也不用用真名,遊戲帳號就行。
2013-06-20 1:57 am
Sorry, this account password I have recovered, and yesterday it had been too impatient questions
I was more than a question of girls, I'm really sorry, I think you misunderstood my account is logged Game Account
So it has not .. This time I login to my account and password to determine
I told my role has been almost two weeks did not meet, I miss her
Come on you, really beg you, I really love GW2, account everything
Now only one step, I hope you can forgive me nervous impatience
I was wrong, there was this thing I learned a lot.
I'll take good care of yourself after account password, things must be reasonable
I can guarantee this forever!
Account also ask you to thank me back

2013-06-19 17:58:49 補充:

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