What's the best technique you have ever learned?

2013-06-19 4:00 am

Not weapons. Body only. Ty


Mack don't read into it. What's the best tech you learned. That's all

回答 (12)

2013-06-20 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tiger Claw to the neck. It is fatal. If you are talking about a non-fatal technique, a back horse kick Taekwondo style or a knee strike to the chest, sometimes fatal.

By the way, by fatal it means that if used PROPERLY it is fatal, most schools don't teach fatal moves or if they do, they don't teach you how to make it fatal. I never killed anyone to test this, it is merely scientifically proven that a Tiger Claw to the neck, if trained properly, can kill.
參考: Taekwondo black belt Father with Taekwondo and Hapkido black belt
2013-06-19 4:03 pm
jab. a solid jab is a great setup for different combinations
2013-06-20 12:03 am
I like this question I would have to say hooking out or the clinch. Hooking out because most people get scared after you side step and hook them and the clinch because it is visually disturbing and absolutely devastating against someone untrained. Aside from parrying and blocking which is by far the best technique you could ever learn.
參考: Currently training in Muay Thai, BJJ, Boxing and Wrestling 2 years
2013-06-19 9:46 pm
The most basic principal of circular motions.
It works for strikes, parries, evasion, takedowns, grappling, you name it.
2013-06-19 9:44 pm
Best would have to be the straight punch from the rear hand/the cross. I think it is the most versatile and relatively safe technique. It can be used in most situations without much problem.(Well legal matter’s another thing, but I’m talking about just ability to use it physically.)

My favorite would have to be the muay thai’s drive kick.(Actually it might be from one of the muay boran styles) It’s essentially a roundhouse kick, but instead of turning the hips over you drive the hips diagonally forward. The result is a roundhouse kick that say a feel and power of push kick and it hits hard. I think I have seen something similar in taekkyun and it would make sense since their kicks are mainly push based. But not having been trained in the style I can’t say if they are the same thing.
2013-06-19 9:10 pm
Kubi Kyukei - Neck break throw from muay thai clinch.


Having the ability to break the neck in a throw is awesome.
參考: Martial Artist 13 years and counting.
2013-06-19 8:07 pm
how to talk me way out of a situation, at least it works most of the time

violence begets violence
參考: 30+yrs ma
2013-06-19 4:26 pm
Continuous flow of punches and kicks. Thats it. Bcoz locking and grappling techniques fail in street fight.
2013-06-19 11:49 am
This question implies that there are better techniques than others, which there aren't. The techniques I have been taught are up to me to practice and up to me to use. In my school, there are students that have control of various kicks. Some are better at certain kicks than other. Some are better at Hapkido than other. Some are better at self-defense than others. The best techniques I have learned are the ones have control and understanding over.
參考: 6.5 years ITF Taekwondo
2013-06-19 12:22 pm
I would say pivoting.
This makes my punches way stronger.
2013-06-19 11:40 am
If I had to choose only one technique to use I would pick my left cross(imma southpaw). Kicks and grappling usually need to be set up with punches first, a jab lacks the power to finish consistently, and hooks and upper cuts aren't open as often. Pretty easy choice.
2013-06-19 11:03 am
Martial arts , a 357 Magum, and a throwing knife

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