Are we in control of our own thoughts?

2013-06-19 1:12 am
So i just stumbled across an interesting question and i would like to hear somone elses thoughts on this. Gay people are born with a sexual preference for men. Thats the way their brains are wired. Killers are born with their brains wired to have psychopathic tendencies. Does this mean that in a way, our brains and who we are was encoded in us at birth? of coarse there are other factors that play into this, such as the people you meet and the other things that will affect you in life to make you who you are, but theoretically, if there was a way to know how ever single person's brain works and how it will react to different situations, would we in turn be able to calculate the future assuming we take other variables into consideration such as weather, animals, etc.

i dont see it as genetics or enviorment, i see it as genetics AND enviorment. That being said the question still remains do we have any influence at all or is everything up to our genetics and the environment around us?


you are mistaken. studies have proven that killers are born with psychopathic instincts. while there is still controversy over whether gays are born with it or not, almost everyone agrees that killers are born killers. It has to do with neural circuitry and its just an alternate form of brain function. They are genetically born with lower empathy levels.

回答 (4)

2013-06-19 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think our minds are born to generate genetic information which cannot be seen or heard. We cannot control or alter that genetic information, but we can still control our thinking. The thinking process is born when you are young, but the way of thinking is developed throughout time (a habit is formed when you keep doing what you are doing). So although we are born with our brains and the genetic material inside them cannot be altered, we can still control our thoughts, say we have to obey the laws even though our brain generate a signal/our desire to do bad stuffs. We have to keep our thoughts under control before it gets worse. If you don't control your thoughts, the thoughts will control you and bad things will happen, so make sure you keep control your thoughts/talk to different people before making a decision or doing something.
參考: personal experience
2016-10-14 9:20 pm
because the above answerer said, Meditation is a thanks to procedures to regulate our concepts. Meditation includes the artwork of concentration and quietening the concepts. In meditation we no longer in truth attempt to regulate our concepts yet we can also carry to the fore our inner characteristics of peace and oneness. If we are able to invoke the calming ability of our own heart, then we use an selection rigidity to take the position of the detrimental concepts. we'd want to continuously meditate daily so as that we are able to carry to the fore as a lot as peace as accessible into our concepts. If we in truth meditate after we are overrun with concepts, we are able to discover meditation very puzzling. yet, if we earnings peace of concepts by potential of our on a daily basis meditation then we strengthen our inner capacities to regulate our concepts. Cheers!
2013-06-19 1:19 am
yes we are in control of our thoughts. I dont think gay people were born with sexual preference for men, and killers are born with there brain wired to have psychopathic tendencies.
2013-06-19 1:13 am
Good thoughts. Age old questions....Nature v Nurture (genetics or environment). Influence of media. Companies don't spend Billions on commercials because they are funny.

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