I remember falling asleep with my tv on and I woke up and it was off and it won't turn back on I need help?

2013-06-17 9:03 am
I feel asleep watching MTV and when I woke up it was off and I didn't turn it off. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it still won't turn on. It is freaky because everything else the VCR, PS3, and my PS2 is fine and it lights up but my tv won't turn back on.

回答 (3)

2013-06-17 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
TV may have overheated and some part got shorted out. Needs repair or replacement.
2016-12-23 12:07 am
One time I fell asleep looking at television and that i wakened in the land of Narnia. i became so scared. i assumed it became real. The dream became so vibrant. It became snowing and that i became rather chilly... besides, to come back heading in the right direction, the television became nonetheless on as quickly as I wakened at 4 am. So I have been given up, became it off and went to mattress.
2013-06-17 9:04 am
your tv broke.

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