What makeup should I use for this character?

2013-06-17 8:06 am
I am recreating a hunger games, and i have all the makeup figured out, except for emerald. I want an interview makeup done. She is tall, but looks nice. You know, she doesn't look like the type to kill u. So i just need makeup for her. I also want it to be subtle. Thanks and pictures would be great!

回答 (2)

2013-06-17 11:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Based on what you wrote about her character, I'm thinking she would really suit a makeup look like this:

Foundation and little bit of dark bronzer to keep her skin flawless-looking, darkish red 'wet' lips (this can be achieved with a dark red shimmering lipstick or a dark red matte lipstick with clear lip gloss applied over the lipstick) and minimal eye makeup. For the minimal eye makeup, a warm light brown or light beige non-glittery eyeshadow on upper eyelid and smudged inbetween lower eyelashes with 3 coats of black mascara on both upper and lower eyelashes will work great. In short, what you need is a clear, flawless skin, bold dark red lips and natural-looking pretty eyes.
This makeup will give the vibe 'I look like the femme fatale hottie, but deep down I'm only after you in order to kill you' lol.
Hope I helped. Good luck dear ! :)
2013-06-17 3:35 pm
Check out frmheadtotoe on YouTube she's amazing and her eye looks are subtle like you wanted :) or xxmakeupiscoolxx

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