set Character encoding autoly

2013-06-18 6:54 am
how can i set Character encoding to be UTF-8 autoly in photo1,so that the people can see my files without change the character encoding manually in photo2?



回答 (1)

2013-06-18 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係httpd.conf 加入以下
AddDefaultCharset utf-8

2013-06-19 15:56:03 補充:
梗係唔用得DREAMWAVER 啦, 因為你都唔係WEB PAGE, 如果你係WEB PAGE 就話用DREAMWAVER , 你可以試既係用.htaccess 加入AddDefaultCharset utf-8
另外, 如果個USER 用既BROWSER 係SET 左"auto-detect character encoding"
咁亦都會冇效, 其實我想問既係, 為乜咁多人都就咁質D FILE 上WEB SERVER 比人睇同DOWNLOAD, 如果係FOR 人DOWNLOAD 或FILE SHARING, 做乜唔正正經經起FTP SERVER 做SHARING, 起碼唔駛係人都搞到

2013-06-23 09:47:59 補充:
你可以用dreamwaver 搞既個file. 但唔需要咁解o者
仲有你而家用個web 咁擺file, 預左有呢d 問題, 除非你可以直接config 到web server 就少好多問題發生

2013-06-23 09:52:25 補充:
其實 你搞唔到http.conf 的話 可以試搞.htaccess 個file

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