
2013-06-18 6:54 am
Not Your Mothers Rules Girl Tip-Like John Mayer told his celebrity girlfriend at the time, he couldn't live with her because "he needed his own place" to write music !
Yeah right !
What's the worst excuse a guy gave u for not being with you ? -S


回答 (1)

2013-06-18 9:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
非老媽規矩之女孩撇步--就像葛萊美獎歌手強梅爾 在跟他的名人女友分手時所說的,他不能再跟她在一起了是因為"他需要有自己的空間"來創作音樂!
是啦 最好是這樣啦!
妳遇到最濫的分手理由是什麼呢? --S

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