Which sign am I compatible with?

2013-06-17 7:11 am
I am a scorpio but my sign is rather complicated because most of the traits that I've read about the scorpio seriously don't match me at all. My birthday is on the 24th of october which is really close to Libra anyway and so I see myself as more a libra anyway. For this sign, in love, who am i more compatible with if I've got both the traits as a libra and scorpio?

回答 (3)

2013-06-17 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
you must tell me your exact birthdate and birth time to understand better about your compatibility.
2013-06-17 3:28 pm
You are cusp known as the Cusp of Drama and Criticism
As with all cusp individuals, you too tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Taurus Gemini Cusp and Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp combination.

As born on the Libra/Scorpio cusp then you’ll have a darker, more serious and more intense side to your personality than the average Libra, and more passion too, which will serve you well if you fall in love with a sensual earth sign or a volatile fire sign.
Earth Signs: (The most) Taurus, (the less) Virgo and Capricorn – Earth Signs are they practical, hard working, and full of common sense.
Fire Signs, but, as I said, Sagittarius the most 'cause he is adaptable, flexible and neither too concerned with starting things nor too concerned with maintaining them. Sagittarius has the optimism and passion of a fire sign, but is not as assertive as Aries, nor as arrogant as Leo.
But don't forget that your Rising Sun as moon Sun and the further Venus, Mars and Houses play HUGE role in someone's compatibility

Here are brief list of traits you have as born of Libra Scorpio Cusp:

You possess the theatrical traits inherent in Libra, serious, deep-feeling and critical traits inherent in Scorpio
You are counted among the most critical individuals of the Zodiac.
You possess a facile mind and sharp tongue.
You sought out for honest opinions and tend to hold nothing back
Once you are committed to a project, you will refuse to stop until completion is attained
You need to learn how to relax and have fun
You need to concentrate on the future while still living for today

If you want to find out more about who you are, where are your planets, why don't you feel that you belong to your sun sign, visit me at: http://j.mp/astro-app and just the field "reference" fill with " yahoo answers" so I don't loose you among others!
2013-06-17 2:57 pm
scorpio's perfect matches are pisces and cancer. almost perfect would be capricorn and virgo :)

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