What would be a good dog?

2013-06-16 5:20 pm
I'm looking I get a new puppy to keep inside. We have a small farm so I know how much work animals are and how to care for them. I'm 16 and my parents have already approved. I've saved up money to get the puppy. I would like a small dog to keep indoor. It'd be best if it didnt shed a lot. I wanted a corgi but they shed to much. One that's just a good, intelligent dog. Thanks!

回答 (6)

2013-06-16 9:47 pm
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Honestly, my suggestion would be to go to the pound/shelter/rescue center and adopt. You can find a great small-medium sized dog that doesn't shed tons :) You'd save a life and you can definitely get one for a lot cheaper than from a breeder. Definitely look into it.
2013-06-17 12:22 am
A good dog would be any that you choose from the animal shelter that would otherwise be gassed if you didn't.
2013-06-17 12:49 am
miniature schnauzer..really lovable and easy trainable
also french bulldogs..or shetland sheepdogs:D
2013-06-17 12:24 am
A cocker spaniel they are so cute small playful and easy to train hope i helped
2013-06-17 12:31 am
Miniature Labradoodle (Miniature poodle X Labrador) would be perfect for you. It's the mix of the Labrador, which is an intelligent and gorgeous dog, and the Miniature Poodle, which SHOULD make the dog very low-shedding. A Miniature Labradoodle would probably grow to the size of a small Cocker Spaniel, so not TOO big, but not TOO tiny.

They're very popular and there are always some for sale, so you won't have trouble finding one :-)

Good luck :-)
2013-06-17 12:22 am
Alaskan huskies are amazing. My family got one about a month ago and we've never made a better decision. They're cute, not too big, playful, an don't bark much. They shed a bit but not a lot. They're really smart and loyal dogs too
參考: Experience

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