美國留學 社區大學

2013-06-17 6:59 am
我成績一般top 20 (學校:ihmc)
家庭月入$30000左右, 但父母關係唔好, 已離婚.
我想之後係美國讀兩年社區大學, 再睇下家庭負唔負擔到大學,如果唔得可能要返香港讀.

如果打算大學還黎讀好唔好? 成功率大唔大? 如果大學係美國讀 以父母收入讀唔讀到? 另外係芬蘭係唔係唔駛錢? 中學去得唔得? 生活大約用幾多錢? 仲有咩國家好 但係又唔駛用太多錢?

回答 (3)

2013-06-17 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What exactly is your question?

2013-06-17 14:39:25 補充:
1. It is up to you. However, it is usually not recommended.

2. The successful rate is case by case. Non-JUPAS admission rate is usually not disclosed like JUPAS.

3. No - your cost per year will range from 50%-100% of your parents' income.

4. No. Free education may be provided in Finland, but definitely not to international students.

5. If you can get your way, yes.

6. Even more than U.S. (European cost of living is very high).

7. People's Republic of China (Top universities only).

My personal advice - you don't know what you want. You should discuss with your teacher and see.
2013-06-18 6:12 pm
無聊, 兩年後至黎問過啦!
2013-06-17 9:21 pm
State University of New York (SUNY)


City University of New York (CUNY)


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