Do you think the pound will disappear in 1 or 2 years?

2013-06-16 1:54 am
Do you think the pound will disappear in 1 or 2 years?

and does the UK government want to join the Euro?

Please keep using pounds , never ever change

I saw the news a few days ago, the government is thinking about it.


I saw the news a few days ago, the government is thinking about it.


While the focus in the UK is on ditching our EU membership, one country has just decided now is the time to step up integration instead. Latvia, the Baltic state, this week agreed to ditch its Lats in favour of the euro. It will become the 18th member of the currency bloc on January 1st 2014. Yahoo News

回答 (12)

2013-06-16 8:16 am
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No, it's still the second most powerful currency in the world. (Behind only the Swiss-Franc, purely because Switzerland is a small/er country) It still has one of the best exchange rates 'v' any other currency in the world also. Scotland risks forgoing the GBP as it's currency, if this Independence referendum goes through, which would be a - major - mistake. The EURO is next to worthless. It's almost impossible today to just 'implement' a currency, and expect it to float, and hold any intrinsic value. It takes Centuries for a Countries currency to develop, through Decades and Decades of trade and exchange exchange based on the Countries dependency, and worth. The only reason the pound devaluated (Slightly) in 2008 through the financial-wobble caused by America, was because the 420 Billion pounds we had invested in the American structure would never have a return, it was lost. Instead of it being 2:1 (GBP v USD) It was suddenly 1.5:1 - Virtually overnight. Now it's around 1.653:1 We're on the mend!..
The GBP is one of the oldest currencies in existence going back over 300 years, it is also part of the Commonwealth (which gives it it's 'reliability') along with Canada, Australia / New Zealand, and all the other Island principalities and foreign Territories across the world.
參考: (}:-l) The couch-grouch knows stuff.
2013-06-16 3:15 am
It will in Scotland if they vote for Alex Salmond's EU communism.
2013-06-16 2:30 am
I don't think so. What news was that?

Fat Taff's response to British absolutely hits the nail on the head. Unless every country that uses it is equally economically strong, a common currency is doomed to failure. This is the reason for the "convergence criteria" that Gordon Brown kept going on about when he was Chancellor - unless we're all "going at the same speed", it won't work. Even if we meet the convergence criteria, there's no guarantee that we still will forever, as the example of Greece illustrates only too well.

Plus we have the remembrance of Black Wednesday in 1992. That was the result of the UK's disastrous experiment in joining the ERM, This was the "pre-euro euro" - fix the exchange rates as if the euro existed. It went badly wrong and we had to pull out quick. No way do we want that again!

Flatulent Tea Bag Face is wrong. As a fairly early member of the EU, we asked for and got a permanent opt-out from ever joining the euro. What he or she says actually applies more to Sweden. One of the convergence criteria to join the euro is to belong to ERM II for 2 years. The treaty admitting Sweden to the EU doesn't require them to join ERM II, so as long as they don't join it, the Swedes can keep their krona as long as they like. Good for them!
2013-06-16 2:01 am
The government is NOT thinking about it. What they are thinking about is getting shut of the EC altogether.

Please believe me, nobody - even the people who used to like the idea - would now choose to join the Euro. It has been a disaster for all members, and would have no advantages for us. Breathe easy. It is NOT going to happen.

@British. But not for any of those reasons. We will stay with the pound because only a lunatic puts economies of different sizes shapes and developmental rates into the straightjacket of one fiscal structure. It was always a really stupid idea, and the difference now is that even politicians who don't understand economics have realised that.
2013-06-16 2:00 am
No. The pound is stronger than it has been for a while. It is still one of the most traded currencies in the world (I think it's third or fourth?) and we will never EVER go to the Euro. We are too proud. We need our own currency with our beautiful Queen on every piece of it. We need something stable and reliable that isn't going to collapse and pull our country and its economy down with the Euro.
2013-06-16 1:56 am
Is George Soros buying up pounds again?
2013-06-16 2:01 am
We're already signed up, the govt just keep delaying the possibility ... they can delay it for as long as they like, though, and since it's not something discussed in the news often I don't think it's going to happen any time soon.
2013-06-16 1:56 am
Absolutely NO chance of that occurring.
2013-06-16 1:55 am
I don't think so. After what's happened to the Euro over the last few years, the government would be stupid to sign us up.
2016-08-08 4:34 pm
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2013-06-16 8:01 pm
Only 17 out of the 27 EU countries use the Euro, the UK does not want to change
2013-06-16 8:32 am
The UK is not thinking of joining the Euro

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