
2013-06-15 8:51 pm
公司在 2008年買入車輛 $1,180,000,現賣出車輛 $970,000,請問入賬是否這樣。

1. DR - Gain on Disposal 1,180,000
CR - Motor Vehicle 1,180,000

2. DR - Bank 970,000
CR - Disposal of Motor Vehicle 970,000

DR - Disposal of Motor Vehicle 970,000
CR - Gain on Disposal of MV 970,000


回答 (2)

2013-06-16 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
做disposal是開一個disposal a/c, 而不是gain on disposal, 因為disposal不一定是gain, 是gain/loss你要計過才知道. 而且gain/loss概念錯了. 所以應該是:

1. DR - Disposal of Motor Vehicle 1,180,000
CR - Motor Vehicle 1,180,000

2. DR - Bank 970,000
CR - Disposal of Motor Vehicle 970,000
DR - Loss on Disposal of MV 970,000
CR - Disposal of Motor Vehicle 970,000
你只係收到成本一半價錢, 如唔計折舊一定是蝕錢. 如果FA有折舊需要Dr: Disposal Cr: Acc. dep., 將變賣固定資產的累積折舊全部取消.

2013-06-16 07:32:53 補充:
更正, disposal累績折舊的double entry是dr: Acc. dep. cr: Disposal
2013-06-16 10:56 am
Some advice:
To record disposal of fixed asset-vehicle

If gain,
DR.Accumulated depreciation –vehicle
CR.The cost of vehicle
CR.Gain from disposal of vehicle

If loss,
DR.Accumulated depreciation –vehicle
DR.Loss from disposal of vehicle
CR.The cost of vehicle

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