Why don't guys like tomboys? And why is there a double standard?

2013-06-15 5:39 am
It seems that people think I'm just "cute" and find my much girlier roommate more "sexy" I just feel like since I'm a tomboy and I've played sports my entire life and I don't take joy in spending money to get work done on my body (waxing, nails, etc my mother does my hair) I feel more comfortable in a tee and jeans and I don't feel like I have to spend 3 hours in the bathroom in the morning to get ready to go to the grocery store or school. And I feel like there is a double standard like guys can spend like 2 minutes getting ready and they get anything with boobs and a butt that walks across the street while us women have to spend forever in the bathroom so that men can judge us and not even listen to our brains.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a feminist, I'm more of an equalist if anything and it has just occurred to me that this is going on.

回答 (11)

2013-06-15 5:53 am
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because people will think the guy is gay. Many would do you but i don't if they will be with you but many would be with with because you are simpler. I like that about you. I prefer a girl like you.
2013-06-15 5:50 am
Men tend to prefer the feminine look on girls. There's really nothing more to say about it.
2013-06-15 5:58 am
I hate to say it, but I'm girly and I don't get guys at all, I guess cause I'm a good girl and they no they won't get what they want. It's all about meeting the right guy, u just haven't found him yet, there are guys who like tomboys look at Avril Lavigne and pink, their both tomboys they got married :)
2013-06-15 7:26 am
Honestly I really like feminine tomboys who dress and act feminine but are into guy stuff like video games, sports and burping.

I think it's really hot when girls wear boxers and basketball shorts.

Some guys like tomboys, some don't.
2013-06-15 7:04 am
Madamoiselle, je suis Inspecteur Cliche` of ze Deuxieme Bureau d'Etandardes, and I can assure you zis is a serious matter! Tomboys are considered good friends, mais as lovers? Pfft! Zere are many lovely young girly girls - les femmes petites, non?.. and zey get le preference. You will grow into it!
2013-06-15 6:01 am
I'm a tomboy and I don't have this problem at all. And girls who aren't tomboys don't always spend 3 hours in the bathroom. (I don't know anyone who does that.)
If you think men don't listen to our brains, find some new men. My boys love my snarky, sarcastic wit. Not my body.
Women also have slanted views against different types. Tomboy vs. Girly, Popular vs. Small-Crowd.
The struggle is real.
2013-06-15 2:41 pm
I like tom boys (girls) but to be honest, I like the ones I'm attracted to. Normally their personality is compatible with mine. I'm so so into long hair, or girly girls..
2013-06-15 9:52 am
men would tart themselves up if women wanted them to
2013-06-15 6:18 am
As a man i have always preferred women who don't spend much time on makeup but i wondered why i didn't always hit on them and this is why;
When i see a women who doesn't put much makeup i for some reason think she's already taken and not out there to try and impress me. When i see a women with allot of makeup i think she's trying to look good because she's looking for a date.
Wouldn't you think that a guy who let's go of his looks is already in a relationship and not trying to impress anyone? And a guy who takes care of himself is looking for a date?
Also; women may be expected to spend more time grooming but men are expected to make the moves. It's not always the case for BOTH sexes
2013-06-15 6:13 am
who says all d boys dont like tomboy i attract for sex to sexy girls but i cant bear there talking like hammering on mind i like tomboy girl that become simple lover and friend not girl whom i have to say 100 times in a day how much i love her
2013-06-15 6:12 am
Young guys like tomboys.

It's the older men who like naive petite girly girls. It's cuz older dudes are full of estrogen so feminine women have the same things in common with them.

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