So I got a new job and I was wondering...?

2013-06-14 12:31 am
I just got my new job. I was told to DO NOT discuss my salary with other coworkers.I heard that it is my right and that I can do it and It's illegal to tell your employes not to do it. What im asking is. Can I do it? Do you recomend me to do it? Will it upset my employers and get me fired if I do it?

回答 (7)

2016-10-20 3:23 pm
definitely, in simple terms when you consider which you agreed to a heritage verify does no longer propose you acquire the interest. The HR fact meant which you're a worth candidate, and she or he/he had to be attentive to your intentions b4 they took the subsequent step. I propose you call or e mail a a save on with up letter, enable them to be attentive to you're nevertheless thrilling with regard to the placement. The postpone must be the flexibility of analyzing each and every of the applicants to confirm which they experience are a solid greater wholesome. So, they might classify which of them merits the subsequent interview.
2013-06-14 3:22 am
I was a manager for many years. Our policy was no one was to discuss salary and people were fired regularly.

If you earn $10 per hour what good does it do for Bob to find out he is paid $1 less. Also what good would it be for you to find out that Betty is paid $15?

It can only cause people to be unhappy.

Free speech is not. Workplace right. It is a public right.
2013-06-14 1:57 am
It is amazing the amount of pro-business disinformation on this site. It is not illegal and even asking you not to disclose it is a constitutional issue. If you can get it in writing on recorded you have an ironclad lawsuit on your hands against your employer.
2013-06-14 12:39 am
Like most questions starting "I've heard" or "I've been told", the rest of the question is something incorrect. There's no law against your telling people what you make. But if your employer told you not to and you do anyway, they can and probably will fire you.
2013-06-14 12:36 am
Discussing salaries is a firing offense in many places. Your dismissal slip will state the reason as unbusinesslike conduct.

It happened to me many years ago when an associate and I were not on the companies premises. She was telling me how little she was paid and that she wasn't happy. The boss walked by and heard us. We were both fired for that.

Not worth the risk and not a good thing to do.
2013-06-14 12:34 am
You would only contribute to a lawsuit if you tell. Negotiate a price to split with the person suing.
2013-06-14 12:34 am
Why do you care anyways? you got a job, just do your job and go home like a normal person or get another one.

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