Do you think E-Cigarettes will put an end to tobacco, why or why not?

2013-06-13 7:50 pm
Some say E-Cigarettes are the future. But what do you think? They are cheaper, cleaner and it's the cool thing to do now. The exotic flavors even range from Pina Colada to Bubble Gum. So could this be the end to tobacco companies?


回答 (315)

2013-06-15 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
That really depends on the person. My personal opinion is no because of the way nicotine is. Sure you can get a "nicotine high" from E-Cigs, but it's not necessarily the same as an actual cigarette. While E-Cigs are better for you, others may prefer to have the actual thing as opposed to a fake, with the ability to put as much nicotine as a person wants.
So all in all, no. I do not thing that E-Cigs will put an end to tobacco.
2013-06-13 8:09 pm
No I'm not a fan of them.
To successfully stop smoking best to stop the routine involving placing a cylindrical object in the mouth & inhaling.
An e-cigarette isn't breaking the habit or getting past addiction.
If a e-cigarette leads to less illness, less risk to those around smokers, it's probably better than nothing.
Bear in mind Tobacco companies are very powerful, rich, influential & will not take this laying down.
Not without a fight.
They need smokers & will attack government legislation & all the health benefits from the latest war on their deadly product.
Out of the two, I hope the e-cigarettes win, the lesser of two evils.
2013-06-13 7:53 pm
Not a fan of it.

E-smoking is still....smoking.
2013-06-13 7:57 pm

But they certainly can help smokers kick the very expensive and dangerous habit.
2013-06-13 8:20 pm
Not a chance. They're totally different products. I have used both and now use neither. E-Cigarettes help take the edge off a smoking craving, but don't expect regular smokers to switch to them if they're not trying to quit.
2013-06-13 9:06 pm
The big truth is that it's impossible to know. for every individual it's different. some will change their habits, and some will just stick to what they know, because it's their personality.

also, because of the rise in use of the E-cigarettes tabacco companies will most likely lower their prices, and put more ingridients to make it more addictive (the sad truth).

My answer: there might be a drop in tabacco use, but i highly doubt it would disapear completely, but again it's simply an imposible thing to know, because the truth is: it's different to every individual, and one would have to know everyone in the world in order to accuratley answer this question...

thanks for the question yahoo team!!
2013-06-13 8:18 pm
I'm a fan of anything that is different from normal cigarettes considering smoking to me is Absolutely disgusting and pointless...
2013-06-13 10:28 pm
I hope you people realize that it is not the tobacco or the nicotine that is dangerous. It is the chemicals that tobacco companies put into the cigarettes along with the tobacco. I'm 18, so I am surrounded by youths and we all smoke E-Cigarettes, because we still get the socialization and oral fixation out of the thing, without the harmful chemicals that come with standard cigarettes. I definitely think, 100% that E-Cigarettes are going to catch. They already have with the young people, and that's where everything has to start.
2013-06-14 3:11 am
I've been smoking for more than 10 years until I tried using ecigarette. The first time I inhaled the vapor, I immediately stop using cigarettes. Now I can say that I feel cleaner inside.

You have to know that E juice or e liquid in ecigarette only contains these chemicals/components;

Nicotine(You can choose your preferred amount or zero nicotine) - The only known toxic chemical in the liquid. Will keep you being addicted to it and is one(or the only) chemical that keeps you lighting those cigarettes everyday.
PG or VG base(Propylene Glycol or Vegetable Glycerine) - These makes the ejuice produce more vapor, imitating the cigarette smoke. PG or VG is approved by FDA in food, so don't be misguided by propaganda that these chemicals are very dangerous.
Flavorings - Most flavors are all natural or from Lorann flavorings. I don't think those are dangerous either.

Plus any other liquid base such as water, vodka etc for dilution.

So there you got it. You're basically comparing more than 3000 harmful chemicals from cigarette to a couple of chemicals from ecigarette.
參考: Ecigarette user
2013-06-13 9:17 pm
my mother quit smoking in about 4 weeks with e-cigarettes and my father has cut back extremely using them.
2013-06-14 12:15 am
I think smoking is flat out dumb... no matter how or what you smoke.
2013-06-13 8:46 pm
No. It's not the real thing. Smokers are addicts
2013-06-13 8:33 pm
I think they could
2013-06-13 8:49 pm
No, because I smoke and I've tried E-cigs, they ******* suck.
參考: Camel Menthol Silvers FTW
2013-06-13 9:28 pm
I don't think it will put an end to tobacco, tobacco companies will always exist. But it will help those that want to quit or atleast help improve they're health. So good for E-cigarettes.
參考: my 2 cents.
2013-06-13 9:14 pm
I don't know but I sure hope so. Tabacco kills lots of people and maybe infecting others around smokers. I don't smoke and never will.
2013-06-14 5:19 am
I do smoke electronic cigs and yes I do believe they are the future. There's still problems with battery life but they are getting closer and closer too the real thing minus all of the extras of tobacco smoke. Seems the liquid versions are much smoother and more enjoyable and will probably be the ones too survive when the smoke clears.

If anything they do, they eliminate second hand smoke completely which is a big concern for those that don't smoke. It's yet too be seen if they are less harmful, as they have not been around long enough.

My biggest concern is if they are the future will they make up the lost tax revenue by charging a new tax for ecigs too compensate. I hope not.

About the big tobacco companies, it just proves executives do nothing but collect money and play golf. They had a huge advantage in creating and distribution of ecigs and do nothing but sit back and watch the world pass them by. They will go bye with the likes of AOL and Blockbuster. Too slow too react.
2013-06-14 2:39 am
No. They don't deliver tobacco satisfaction. To many people, there is more to smoking a cigarette than just getting a nicotine fix. I do, however, think they will carve out a niche.
2013-06-13 8:58 pm
2013-06-13 11:45 pm
E-cigarettes deliver nicotine in a vapor form when the smoker puffs on a cylindrical object they hold to their mouth with their hand. Aside from not subjecting bystanders to second hand smoke, how is this different from smoking tobacco? Both the physical addiction AND the habit are maintained. If anything, they are likely to INCREASE the number of smokers.
2013-06-14 8:46 am
Yes I think they could potentially end the use of real cigarettes. My sister has been smoking since she was a teen and she's almost 34 now and she has definitely smoked fewer cigarettes since she starting using electronic ones. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life but I have tried her e-cigarettes and they're really cool, and I could see how they would help a smoker quit by using those and weening yourself off of the real thing. I truly hope e-cigarettes put an end to lung cancer, I believe it's a cure in an obscure way.
2013-06-13 9:15 pm
My partner said "nice as they are they dont fill the void and am smoking a normal cig right now!".
2013-06-14 1:17 am
NO WAY. The tobacco companies kick back way too much money to the politicians and the government makes way too much money on the taxes for cigs to be replaced by e-cigs. You see, there are people addicted to nicotine and no body cares. Besides, the insurance industry loves that people smoke because they can charge more for life insurance and doctors can get more money treating patients with smoke related illnesses.

There is way too much money to be made by way too many people in regard to cig sales. Because if people that had control really cared, cigs would be banned and e-cigs would replace them. But, noooo, there would be too much money lost by greedy bastards.
2013-06-14 1:32 am
iStill smoke weed :)
2013-06-13 9:14 pm
I love smoking
2013-06-14 10:44 am
Using the E-Cig made me quite smoking for good..
2013-06-14 2:39 am
Personally, it would be nice. It might, but not in the near future at least that's what I think. But it is better for you and the environment, so I prefer it over smoking. Still smoking is still smoking, and it is bad for you. Be better if it ended all together.
2013-06-14 1:52 am

E-cigarettes are mostly aimed at people who want to quit smoking. I can't tell you for sure why anyone picks up smoking in the first place (makes no sense to me whatsoever), but there is a sort of "cool" or "rebel" factor associated with smoking, and I think that makes for a lot of it.

To pick up an e-cigarette, you'd pretty much have to just decide you want to become addicted to a stick of nicotine. No one really does that. But to current smokers, they're an attractive solution for an addiction they already have in place.

Except, they aren't perfect--it's not exactly the same. Plenty of smokers just don't like them.

So, only a few smokers are converting and it's not as if new smokers are going to pick up e-cigarettes instead of traditionals. Regular cigarettes will be around for a long time.
2013-06-13 8:45 pm
That depends on what restrictions are applied to them as well as if they are found to cause harm to health.

When it comes to the health risk though, it will be hard to prove if there is one. The nicotine that is contains is a drug and is known to have side effects.
2013-06-13 9:54 pm
NO. It's like electronic cigarettes or something-stupid, AND, they don't work. You're still smoking tobacco and you can't change the fact you are even with the stupid electronic cigarettes. So NO. Just stop smoking once and for all, get help. Pray and there are addiction helpers.
2013-06-15 12:04 am
Nicotine is still addictive, but at least eCigarettes take the cancer, heart disease, lung damage, etc. out of the equation.

Why would ANYONE smoke tobacco when you can use eCig's and not die???
2013-06-14 11:18 pm
I currently smoke cigarettes and am thinking about taking an e-cig up. My mother and step Father use them and are going very well...
2013-06-14 11:47 pm
They are not "still smoking".
No tar, no smoke. Its not smoking.

Maybe not put an end to tobacco, but it should. I quit with e-cigs over a year ago.

I don't know if its the "cool thing to do now" as *most* people do not use them, but a lot of people are quitting tobacco with them.
2013-06-13 10:28 pm
I don't think so. You still need tobacco companies to produce nicotine. And you get so much of it in 1 single e-cigarette cartridge which makes it a faster form of nicotine delivery. 1 cartridge I think is about a pack or 2 of cigarettes. Tobacco companies will need to produce more products to meet this demand.
2013-06-14 2:26 am
If they don't progress to nicotine, it may progress to something else that is another money making scheme. Some people are already inhaling booze to avoid calorie counting.
2013-06-13 10:06 pm
Nobody uses E-Cigarettes, what a load of nonsense.
2013-06-15 10:50 am
@▐▀▀✰▀▀▌ サマンサ ▐▄▄✰▄▄▌: "Not a fan of it.

E-smoking is still....smoking."

That is ridiculous. And a lie. There is NO smoke with e-cigarettes. It is still taking nicotine, yes. It is NOT smoking, and it is NOT ingesting the countless chemicals that come with real cigarettes.


@Nutsters... : "No I'm not a fan of them.
To successfully stop smoking best to stop the routine involving placing a cylindrical object in the mouth & inhaling."

That might be best for some. But for others, the best thing to stop smoking, is to not have to give up this habit straightaway, and not have to give up the nicotine straight away, and instead, gradually reduce the nicotine strength in the liquid they use.

One can even buy liquid with no nicotine in it, so it can be reduced all the way down to nothing.

For me personally - I don't actually want to have to give it up. I've been off real cigarettes for three and a half years thanks to e-cigarettes, and whilst I hated being a real smoker, now I've found this much better alternative, I'm happy to continue with it.

Everyone has little 'addictions'. Are we to say coffee, tea, and sugar should be banned because of addiction?

Are we seriously going to suggest that the nicotine from e-cigarettes is definitely way more harmful than the amount of sugar and alcohol people put into their bodies?

"An e-cigarette isn't breaking the habit or getting past addiction."

An e-cigarette can make someone INSTANTLY stop smoking real cigarettes, and the nicotine content can be reduced like any other nicotine replacement method, such as patches and gum.

As I've said, personally, I'm happy with having this vice, like many of us are happy to consume a lot of chocolate, or candy, or fast food.

Of course as you say, the habit is still there, but that's exactly why it would be dangerous for e-cigs to be banned - because if they were, I'd probably be back on real cigarettes again.

The only thing that will guarantee me and millions of other people not smoking real cigarettes again, is by keeping them legal.

I appreciate the fact you see they are a lesser evil than real cigarettes - some people seem to fail to even see that.

But ask yourself, is nicotine on it's own definitely more damaging than sugar, alcohol or fat and salt in our foods?

Do we really want to live in a society where people can't have ANYTHING that could be addictive if taken more than in moderation?

No fast food, no packaged food, no chocolate, no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol?

I think people should have a right to have pleasures, even if technically over time they are shortening their lives - which in fact we are ALL doing, unless we eat the healthiest of foods all the time, and exercise every day. And live in the countryside away from vehicle exhaust fumes.
2013-06-15 1:12 am
Yes less crud in them. Cleaner
2013-06-14 11:48 pm
No! But I do think E-Cigarettes is going to help a lot of people quit the real thing. I haven't smoke real Cigarettes for 9 days. Thanks to E-Cigarettes.
2013-06-14 1:43 pm
No I do not think that E-cigs will put an end to tobacco, however since I am trying to quit, I have found that they do take the edge off the craving. The main thing I am addicted to is all the unknown additives that cigarette Mfr's add to the tobacco and the E-cigs do not have any additives. My complaint against E-cigs (and I have tried three different brands) is that some brands will automatically charge your credit card for their full price at the end of their so called trial period. My most recent experience is the REGAL brand, which charges $119.99 after the trial period of 14 days, automatically charged to your cedit card. The most effective brand so far has been "BLU".at full price $49.99 I have discussed this with my own Doctor, and have his approval since all other methods to quit, for me have failed..
參考: personal trials.
2013-06-14 3:52 am
It worked for me. But you really have to want to quit first.
2013-06-14 3:04 am
I firmly believe that tobacco smoking will always be around, so long as tobacco plants can be grown. Smoking from an E-Cigarette and smoking an actual Cigarette give 2 different feelings. Some people actually crave the feeling of inhaling real smoke.
2013-06-14 11:25 pm
If there's nicotine in it, then it will still enter your lungs and cause the intense nicotine addiction.
Nicotine is an opiate whether laypersons believe it or not, and that's exactly why it's so hard to give up smoking.

When people smoke ANYthing the vapor travels through the oropharynx, down the trachea and into the bronchial tubes. At which point it enters the bronchioles in the lungs and travels on through the alveoli, which are for chemical exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide but will also exchange other chemicals a person inhales by smoking.
After the chemical passes through the lungs it will enter the pulmonary vein and then pass directly into the right side of the heart. Creating high blood pressure and other problems that smoking causes the heart.
The nicotine also depresses the lungs after a while, which will cause difficulty breathing and other problems smoking creates in the lungs.

I wouldn't know if it will catch on but, as someone already said, 'E-smoking is still smoking.'
Since they admitted they still have nicotine in the cigarette I agree that e-smoking is still smoking.
參考: Paramedic
2013-06-17 12:23 pm
No, i don't think so.
Tobacco has this addicting thing on it that E-Ciga doesn't have
I know some people who use E-Ciga but still smoke Tobacco although the amount of Tobacco that they are smoking decreased. Still they said that real Tobacco is still different.
Also even though E-Ciga is popular in some countries, there are still lots of countries who don't really like E-Cigarettes (especially in Asia).

My father was a chain smoker but then he felt some chest tightening he was so frightened that he stopped smoking. He completely stopped smoking even without the use of E-Cigarette. He hasn't been smoking for more than 10 years now.
2013-06-15 11:35 pm
It wont be the end of tobacco companies,but i do think e- cigarettes are the right way to go in fact im puffing on one as i type,not bad at all and its so much cheaper than tobacco,just got to get out of the habit of stubbing out in the ashtray!
2013-06-15 11:11 pm
Honestly? It's neither yes or no. You can't answer a question that doesn't involve you, and you can't write down another person's thoughts as your own. Therefore, I can't speak for the entire smoking community.

As my opinion, I believe that, perhaps, if enough people could bring themselves to switch, that it would put a dent into tobacco companies' money intake, but I doubt the entire human race would drop smoking regular cigarettes.
2013-06-15 10:04 pm
No! There will always be those people who want the REAL thing! But this is a great invention for people who want to quit smoking or just want to switch to something more healthy. I quit smoking 7 months ago cold turkey, it can be done! Smoking is a nasty disgusting habit, I thought that even when I smoked! Gotta have willpower to just stop on your own
2013-06-15 4:27 am
Hell yes! I am so happy that I found them. Saved my lungs, life and pocketbook.

Tobacco can kiss my a s s !

But do not buy the ones from the corner store. They are crap will just frustrate you, buy them from legitimate dealers.
2013-06-15 4:01 am
I doubt it will be an end to tobacco for some time.

Many, many ignorant, misinformed, uneducated answers on here...

What's with the obsession with "You MUST end the hand to mouth" mantra. What's so horrible if someone has found a harm reduction alternative, it's increased their quality of life, they don't stink anymore, their smoker's cough has vanished.... Sounds like all great things to me but simply because it only LOOKS as if someone is smoking people's minds automatically rush to "Oh it must be bad".

For people who have tried patches, gum, the Chantix, and everything else... and they're still smoking... if this works for them, more power to them. If this helps people STOP smoking(there's no smoke in these things people) while improving their quality of life and of those around them.... it should be celebrated, not vilified. Don't let the word "cigarette" in electronic cigarette pervert your perceptions. This technology is a life saver for many, because a lot of people actually love to smoke which is why what's on the market isn't working and this technology is. Cutting down cigarette consumption is something to encourage.
2013-06-15 3:15 am
lectronic cigarettes are the future, they argue. Cheaper, cleaner and cooler than smoking, "vaping" - using a vaporizer to inhale nicotine infused with exotic flavors ranging from pina colada to bubblegum - will spell the end of tobacco.
2013-06-14 10:34 pm
No. Tobacco companies are powerful. But more than that, smokers are extremely stubborn. They are the ones that keep the tobacco companies powerful. There are warning labels on the cigarette packages and people still smoke it. What has helped the tobacco companies is the ignorance of the new generation who want to smoke. Big tobacco will never be eradicated because people like to willingly destroy their health. All that big tobacco is doing is simply catering to their customers. As long as people want to continue to subject themselves to health problems, the big tobacco companies will always be there to help them out with that. The question is not about e-cigarettes putting an end to tobacco but people themselves putting an end to a habit that can kill them. E-cigarettes will never be able to put an end to tobacco. Something more powerful can put an end to it: the people. When people stop hurting themselves and let go of a habit that is in no way beneficial, only then will tobacco end.
2013-06-14 9:01 pm
Cigarettes are like alcohol, drugs, and prostitution They will be around forever in some shape or form.
2013-06-14 6:04 pm
Yes, My aunt quit smoking thanks to E-Cigarettes
2013-06-14 5:35 pm
Well to all those people who've never tried them,or who've never smoked,but still know all the answers. I've had mine for three months now,and never even wanted a fag.I'm using it less and less,as I go on. For myself they really work. I'm sure they could make them less expensive though.Nicolites are by far the best,I tried other brands but couldn't even pull on them.Good luck.
參考: I use them.
2013-06-14 3:56 pm
If E-Cigarettes will cause absolutely NO health problems at all, then I hope it will put an end to tobacco.
I'm actually scared of the smoke from cigarettes, because I don't want to get secondhand smoke. However, like @Nusters-Vex said, tobacco companies are very powerful and influential.
2013-06-14 2:38 pm
If there is an end to tobacco what will make up the tax revenue earned off cigarettes for example I know in the UK tax revenue off cigarettes was £12.1 Billion in 2011 - 12 and cost to the health services were £5.2 billion I myself am a smoker and I don't understand why we can't just be left alone I work hard so if I want to enjoy a cigarette then why can't I I'm doing nothing illegal I know the health risks if it makes me ill then that's my fault and I accept that
2013-06-14 5:57 am
I don't really think so.

I believe it is effective for those who want to quit, but not to quell the curiosity of those, especially youths, who have never used the real thing.

I don't think tobacco should be a stigma, especially with marijuana going legal in a tonne of places... and alcohol both BEING legal and responsible for thousands of deaths per year.

I say this because I only use tobacco like once every year OR TWO... on really merited occasions.

I believe this can be done.
2013-06-14 11:28 pm
My answer would be maybe somewhere down the road, but E-cigs as are suck quite royally. You end up spending more money with the kits, battery packs, and refills you buy, the companies selling them rip you off, and the quality of the hit pales in comparison to actual cigarettes. Puffing on them is like sucking a rock through a straw to get a fraction of the effect, and it barely tames the carvings. I once bought them to see if they could help me quit, didn't work. They're good in emergency situations when you're stuck indoors for long periods of time, and they do help a little with certain triggers, but for the most part I just found myself wanting a real cigarette.

Worst of all the packs say that each cartridge is a pack and a half of cigarettes, but what they didn't tell you was that the battery only lasts for the equivalent of about half a pack.

To sum it up yes I think E-cigs have a bright future ahead, but they aren't there. They need a lot of work and they have a long way to go.
2013-06-14 9:29 pm
"It's the cool thing to do now"

Smoking is never cool!
2013-06-14 8:40 am
i don't think they could.
they just help for a short period of time NOT long-lasting
in my opinion the only way to quit smoking is WILL POWER....
2013-06-15 5:45 am
Tropical flavored cigarettes. They make not cause harm, and help smokers kick their habits,
but what is this teaching the youth? Imagine being a 6 year old and having a parent who smokes,
suddenly saying their cigars are 'Pina-Colada' flavored, and 'Bubblegum' flavored. Great, now we
have this mass of children who want to smoke, not because it's considered 'cool', but because it
tastes good. Now, just think. Shouldn't the point be for people to stop smoking altogether, and
number one not encourage it among young, vulnerable children, and two have it not be labeled so
harmless? Pina-Colada E-Cigars. If I smoked, I would look /forward/ to smoking and never quit if
they tasted so good, honestly. Then again, I still can't decide if it's healthier to get a buzz off of tobacco or bubble-gum flavored E-Cigarette vapors.
2013-06-14 6:13 am
personally i dont think it'll do as much as the creators wished... sure some people have the e-cig and some use it wonderfully. and they love it, saying that it was far better... but look at who is saying that. Adults, how many adults (lets go with 25+years) have a e-cig oppose to kids (-24years old) not many.

But why.

maybe its because younger people look at money, a pack of cigarettes are $3-7 (depending on location and what not.) vs. $20-$50-$150 e-cigarette.... most of them dont lok at it as saving in the long term. just what can be saved now. So that is a factor.

Still on the terms of money. One cigarette, is just that one cigarette maybe 30sec-2mins. the life of a pack is a lot shorter than one Ecig. so perhaps in the long run, the Ecig people may slowly lose money (assuming a lot more people have them, because they wont die) unless they intentionally make them not last (but then people it stop buying them anyway because they will think its a cheap product)

But I say the biggest problem with it is, the younger kids (-18yrs.) think its cool the smoke, and they sure as hell do not have any money to be buying a e-cig. nor do they think its cool. a lot of them most likely think it is for old people or people that are addicted, and a lotta kids dont want to admit that they are addicted to something. Most smokers start when they are or below 18. and the older a person gets the harder it is to quit a habit, or an addiction. and better yet, the older a person becomes, the more stubborn they get.

So I believe that, if the E-Cigarettes are to work and put an end to the tobacco industry, the mentally of the young buyers need to be changed first (that is the primary source of growth for the tabacco industry.)

or just tax, tabacco products at double the tax% of anything else... eventually people will stop buying or at least most will... and in trade; teachers, police, firefighters etc. will get paid more.
2016-12-23 2:21 pm
2013-06-17 7:45 pm
i don't believe that e-cigs are all that. Yes you can have cool flavors and its a techy gaget. But I'm a smoker and I really don't like the taste of them. It isn't just like smoking there is a textural difference that is not the same. And cigarettes are just like any other food. People have a brand preference because of the taste. I smoke camel's because I prefer the taste of them to other cigarettes. When I smoke I'm not just looking for a nicotine delivery system if I were I'd use a patch. That being said, the e-cigs are convenient because you can smoke anywhere. And being a smoker it's really annoying to me that I have to walk forever just to get a drag. So I believe that this is the main reason that they are so popular. Smokers can have the territory back without pissing off the non-smokers. now I can smoke in my office instead of having to walk a quarter mile just so I'm not cranky with everyone.
2013-06-17 6:55 pm
No. Because some people can't adapt to change or still prefer the traditional cigs. Most people who grew up with the old style, tends to keep it that way.
參考: The mind of the self.
2013-06-17 6:47 pm
It will definitely be an option, but like the Kindle vs traditional books, some people prefer a real, original cigarette.
2013-06-17 4:13 pm
no it will not end tobacco use. tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. e-cigarettes do not contain nicotine. I doubt they could help very many people quit smoking, since a person would still go through the terrible withdrawls since the e-cigarettes have no nicotine.

people do not smoke just to "look cool" they smoke because cigarettes were designed to make people chemically and psychologically addicted to ensure maximum profit.

I think a combination of high prices, and nicotine replacement therapy (gum and/or patch) and education about how harmful cigarettes are will be what causes people to choose to never smoke or quit smoking. not some silly toy,.
2013-06-17 4:46 am
Well it may make a huge dent in smoking actual tobacco but it won't make a big difference in the tobacco industry from a farming standpoint. Nicotine is best and cheapest extracted directly from plant matter and the e-cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine. Now if the wording of this question means the act of people using tobacco to smoke or "dip" then it will do nothing for the dippers of the world and it may help some people quit smoking actual tobacco and some people might just make the switch to be more healthy. I won't claim that nicotine in and of itself is safe (according to a study in 2012 nicotine is a mild carcinogen) but nicotine vapor vs. the tons of chemical additives along with the cornucopia of chemical compounds found in the plant matter of tobacco. I think I'd take the vapor if I had to make a choice. I guess for some people it might just come down to convenience and flavor of just lighting up good old fashioned tobacco vs. having to charge an e-cig. My official prediction is that in the next 20 years it might make a big enough dent in cigarette sales to give the government footing for eventually outlawing cigarettes because it is a big part of the health-care crisis in this country, along with other bad habits like soda, processed foods and a culture that coddles the out-of-shape Mickey Dees patrons.
2013-06-17 3:40 am
It won't be the end of tobacco companies and as far as I can see I don't think it's the future. USA is just a small picture and the rest of the world smokes like a chimney. I do however see it as a much better alternative to patches and gum which, for me, never worked.

I use e-cigarettes. I don't like to smoke real cigarettes anymore. I take a couple of puffs and put it back in my pocket. My fingers and breath don't smell like an ashtray. My lungs feel healthier and my endurance is much more. The nicotine in my brand is synthetic nicotine, not from tobacco. I also find that I am using it less and less, while I haven't touched a cigarette in months. I am also cutting down the concentration of nicotine.
2013-06-17 3:12 am
I think not.

They are not cheaper, the advertisements are misleading and they do not last as long as they say. They do not have an appealing taste unless they are expensive, costing around $60 just for one with a 4-5 rechargeable batteries.

It is not too similar to real smoking, the punch you get from a cigarette drag is much different. The drag of an electric cigarette does not feel good for you right on the spot, while cigarettes take a while to notice unhealthy side effects. The E-cigs can cause a drag on your normal inhalation, they give an uncomfortable sharp feeling in your esophagus if you try to take a large drag.

In my opinion, they suck unless you're trying to quit smoking, or smoke discreetly.
2013-06-16 10:52 pm
No. E-Cigs are very different from a real cigarette. They do work for a small number of people.

In theory they sound great, but in reality not so much. They don't taste like a real cigarette. Most of them do not give you the sensations of exhaling the "smoke", which makes it seems like you didn't even get a hit.

They are also really heavy. You have to hold it the whole time. You can't just walk around and do your daily routine with your cig hanging off your lips. This makes it difficult to drive and smoke an e-cig. Driving a smoking is one of the biggest things for smokers. Most smokers that I know, including myself, light up a cigarette as soon as the jump in the car.

Also, it doesn't burn out. So, when I smoke it I have no idea when I'm done.

Plain and simple it's just not the same. I've tried a couple different kinds and the best one that I have found is the White Cloud brand. But they are really expensive. :-(
參考: I've tried around 5 different brands. I have given up.
2013-06-16 8:18 am
I do not think that E-cigarettes will put an end to tobacco. There are several reasons for my opinion:

Note my answer is predicted upon E-cigarettes being a competitive alternative product. I do not account for taxes, new government laws banning smoking altogether, insurance companies denying coverage to smokers, etc.
To be sure there is a great deal of benefits to be had by switching to E-cigarettes trendy (for now-but trends fade), lower lung cancer rates, switchers should live longer and cost the health care system less burden than traditional tobacco smokers. The same can be said of those who are using patches and gum. I am sure that a market will grow for E-Cigs but it will not eliminate the Tobacco companies.

1.) Some people simply love that tastes, flavor, and something to do with there hands if they are stressed, tired or worried. I believe that this will cause the Tobacco Firms to stay in business in and of itself.
2.) There are future generations to consider, teens like to experiment or emulate adults and some will become hooked on cigarettes-this has been happening for generations
3.) Tobacco is a hardy plant grown mostly on plantations some privately owned and some owned by big Tobacco. I doubt that the Tobacco plant will become extinct.
4.) It looks idiotic outside of “night club circuit”. Most everyone but your friends will have an opinion on this ersatz cigarette. Patches and gum are not as noticeable and won’t disturb a business meeting or call your professional image into question.
5.) Some men’s idea of manhood is tied to cigarettes-they will not switch.
6.) Big tobacco companies could buy out the E-Cig firms and provide both products or simply shelve the E-Cigs.
7.) People still smoke marijuana; it is still grown by illegal “companies” even though there is a legal alternative form of marijuana available.
8.) Likewise there are non-alcoholic beverages available in night clubs and there emergence did not hurt the demand for alcohol or the companies that produce it.
9.) People might buy cigarettes from foreign companies. (bad for our economy)
10.) The cost of growing and harvesting tobacco, the production and distribution costs of cigarettes, the profit margin available to stores that sell them, the advertising $$$ spent (pretty much in print only) to keep and recruit new users, and the money spent in Wash. DC on lobbyists and lawyers is HUGE!
I could keep going but I think that this enough to justify my belief that big tobacco is going to be around a long time.

An industry that powerful will not disappear completely. Cigarette usage was declining long before the appearance of the E-Cig and big tobacco still makes piles of money and are a significant economic power.
參考: None -just observation of how the introduction of new products into established markets behaves as well as observations on human behavior
2013-06-16 2:07 am
yes because its healthier
2013-06-15 11:28 pm
Smoking isn't actually fun at all, but the nicotine makes it addictive. So no, I don't think the E-cigarettes will work on nicotine addicts, because they don't contain the stuff that makes smoking addictive in the first place. And if you're not addicted to smoking, why start. If that cigarette breaks open in your mouth, you could get an electric shock. So there's really no point in E-cigs.
2013-06-15 10:04 pm
nope beacause dumb young kds still think it's cool to kill yourself

i know this for fact i asked teen girls and boys whay caused you to start smoking most just said IDK

no idea with shrugs. Plus the cost today for one pack is two gals of gas at $4 a gal high price

thats expensive for two pack a day smokers $16 X 7 = $112 a week eeeek thats my water bill for the month or new car paid off in 4 years and a very expensive NEW vehicle $5824 A YEAR !
2013-06-15 9:41 pm
No, both tobacco companies and pharmaceutical firms are fighting to regulate and control the industry. Pharma has its own solutions that could be obsolesced by this. Tobacco isn't too worried yet, but it is a threat. Further, this is a threat to both tobacco taxes and the tobacco settlement. If they are allowed to compete at fair market prices they could seriously endanger vested interests with lots of political clout.
參考: I am an economist
2013-06-15 9:06 pm
I think it might, because people can still smoke, without so many side effects
2013-06-15 8:41 pm
I used e-cigs to quit tobacco. I no longer use tobacco products, but now I am addicted to the nicotine from these e-cigs. These are not good if you want to quit smoking.

Any product that is addictive is not good for you.
2013-06-15 8:06 pm
No...... No they won't
2013-06-15 7:24 pm
As long as e-cigs are NOT putting any negative stuff into the air, water or elsewhere, they're better then tobacco. However, if you still need to smoke an e-cig after you've broken your addiction to tar and nicotine, then maybe you need some therapy instead because you no longer have the nicotine addiction yet you still are orally needy. Use the e-cigs to wean yourself off of tobacco but after a couple months you ought to be weaning yourself off of e-cigs too or you expose yourself as needing some form of cig as a crutch and people will start wondering what your problem is. E-cigs are a vehicle to not needing anything (to smoke) anymore.
2013-06-15 7:23 pm
I think these E-Cigarettes are the future. I am surprised this was possible to accomplish. In my personal opinion I think everyone who smokes should use this instead. The addiction will be less deadly.

This could encourage younger people to smoke more, due to it's less deadly futures.

Although. this is not a end to tobacco companies. The desperate to lose the habit will use this invention. Not the daily carefree smoker. Some can see this as a inconvenience. A lot of older humans have a stereotype for electronics. This stereotype might just prevent the millions of smokers to not even try this invention. It could be the question of it meeting it's expectations, or it could be the fact that this thing is a computer that is way to difficult to even operate.

Overall I think the lack of everyone getting in the loop and the obstacles in the way I do not think that these tobacco companies will come crashing down to bankruptcy.
參考: Assumptions, Predictions etc.
2013-06-15 7:22 pm
Hopefully in the future there will be E-ciggarettes that cause no harm in any way.
2013-06-15 7:18 pm
Absolutely not.

The taste of fruity water vapor, along with an unsatisfied feeling... Could never* amount to the crisp taste of a good Marlboro menthol & the way it calms your nerves.
2013-06-15 7:15 pm
I really think it depends on several issues. First of all, I know two tenants in my building who are chain smokers ( according to when I smoked for 33 years, quit in 1999, but smoked up to two packs most of the time) and one of them smoked all winter in his apartment, next to mine, and he broke one law, of Maine and he also violated his lease but even though I complained and especially because the smoke was entering into my apartment, nothing was done because the management's rule is "we have to catch them."
Back to the issues asked. The two tenants both bought the "beginner's" packet and started using them at the same time. Their "experiment" with these fake "cigarettes," based on these two people I know, lasted no more than three weeks. They both were back to the old smelly ones and I have not seen them use the fake ones.
Personally, due to these two tenants trying them and smoking the real ones for years, I give the "choice" of the fake ones about a 35% chance of becoming the "new and in" thing in the near future.
However, five years from now, there could possibly be one of them which will replace the present ones in a more definitive, tasting like "cigarettes" one that some hell-bent smokers will connect with.
參考: My sites are two tenants who live in my apartment building, both of whom I know and how they started with the fake ones but one of them, a woman, I really did not think she would stay with it and didn't. Same answer with the male tenant. They gave them up quickly.
2013-06-15 7:12 pm
Yes, more and more people are going to them because of there flavors also because they have little money and cigs are more than esigs so I think more and more people are going to start them.
2013-06-15 7:09 pm
I hope E-Cigarettes put a end to smoking. I live in a neighborhood where a large portion of people smoke (Not just Cigarettes mind you..) So I am all for E-Cigarettes and other smoking products where I don't have to inhale 2nd Hand smoke. and you know If E-Cigarettes are None toxic an come in Different Flavors I think I would by them just because.
2013-06-15 6:52 pm
well for now they are a bit pricey and too trendy. most of the people i know who use them are very self-conscious about it. if they replace tobacco it would be nice but i think it will take a long time.
2013-06-15 6:17 pm
smoking, no matter how or what is disgusting.
2013-06-15 6:16 pm
Yeah, I think so because people are so addicted to it.
2013-06-15 5:46 pm
I do not think so. people will not stop smoking regular tobacco just because E-Cigs are considered "cool" right now. who knows what the side-effects may be. either way smoking is not good for you.
參考: ex-smoker who had smoked for over 55 years. if you don't smoke now don't start. if you do smoke, do you best to stop. you won't regret it.
2013-06-15 4:58 pm
It won't end tobacco, It might reduce the sales but because of how the youth of today acts, tobacco will remain in production for many generations.
2013-06-15 4:55 pm
I hope cigarrates ar banished forever. Healthier or not
2013-06-15 4:37 pm
It's nothing but a cheap alternative to smoking.
2013-06-15 4:29 pm
If it doesn't it should. There has been way too many cancer patients that have died or are in trouble due to smoking cigarettes or using tobacco products. Tobacco has been a cash crop for years and it has developed too many health problems for many years. In the area I live in, I have not seen much tobacco played this year.
參考: I have lived many years in the tobacco belt.
2013-06-15 4:16 pm
After smoking for 40+ years, I thought I would try the E-cigarette, but it didn't fulfill my taste for the real deal. I'm not saying it won't work for everyone, but I don't think they will completely put an end to big tobacco.
參考: The only reference I have is myself.
2013-06-15 4:10 pm
E-Cigarettes is an alternative for enjoy this life, so depend on the peaple will use Cigarettes or E-Cigarettes. Both are the same way, it is only the business in the world.
2013-06-15 3:23 pm
No I do not think so because the tobacco companies will find a way round them because they have big money to advertise.
參考: My own opinion..
2013-06-15 2:21 pm
E-Smoking is still smoking.I won't think it will change anything because smoking cigars gives pleasure! With out any smoke ?who would like to smoke...
2013-06-15 1:52 pm
They are the future. It will end smoking in the coming years. Those that resist will only follow after others smarter than them pick it up. The product is the right choice for those who are addicted the intellectual reasoning will snowball after more are exposed to them. The product must first become widely available.
2013-06-15 1:42 pm
Smoking is still smoking and bad for you but it will ruin tobacco companies
2013-06-15 1:41 pm
They're just different, very similar products. The tobacco companies have lots of money and will undoubtedly be big players in this new market, while still serving millions of people with their fix of good old tobacco.
2013-06-15 1:35 pm
Quit means quit. No point of going back to the habit, no matter what types of tabacco or e-cigarettes smokers are using.
2013-06-15 1:03 pm
sorry dears.. it still causes arteriosclerosis.

anyone who think this is healthier is a fool... and guess who's gotta foot the bill when they hire a lawyer to sue the companies?!

yep, the taxpayer.

stupid people, one thing that's the constant in our universe.
2013-06-15 11:42 am
No it is not gonna be the end of's why.
When a guy who's smoked for 20 , 30 years wakes up he has to have that nasty cigarette first before opening his eyes, or after the steak dinner with baked potato, how about after sex, our after really good sex...i smoke and i promise this will not replace tobacco
Now there will be the trend followers that will try to think they are on the cutting edge but two weeks later they will be at 7-11 buying those malboros..
2013-06-15 11:08 am
the problem isn't the product, but getting smokers to use it,..
2013-06-15 10:55 am
I don't believe so. From what I have heard, the potency of the chemicals in them is not strong enough to provide that high or calming effect most smokers crave. If, however, they decide to increase the potency or strength of the ingredients... then possibly, but that would probably increase the price of them as well.
2013-06-15 8:59 am
the simple answers is don't be dumb *** in starting smoking in the first place, theirs no excuse, considering the harm they do to the user and potentially those in proximity when they smoke.

and as for e-cigarette's just another chemical compound, any way to get a fix.
2013-06-15 8:59 am
There is a chance, but it's not likely because some people don't see the benefits of using an e-cig versus smoking actual cigarettes. Nicotine and tobacco are not the only addictive aspects of smoking, the actual act of smoking is addictive as well. Unless more strict laws about smoking are put in place, it's not very likely.
2013-06-15 8:51 am
I think yes
2013-06-15 8:24 am
Definitely not. Its a big money coming from tobacco industry. They created e-cigar not for tbe purpose of "cleaner" air or "healthier" way but to keep the people who wants to quit smoking, because thd cigarrette companies dont want to lost profit.
2013-06-15 8:10 am
no I don't think it could (at least not for a couple 2-3 generations maybe) because people always will stick to the old way of doing things and some people may not like those types of cigarettes. even my mom didn't like them as much as the real deal.
參考: my mom had E-cigarettes P.S. she stopped smoking all together
2013-06-15 7:01 am
No. You'll still have people that are addicted to tobacco and buy real cigarettes.
2013-06-15 5:13 am
Well I don't know much about smoking, but I'm guessing that half or seventy-five percent of the number of people who smoke tobacco will drop. People in this generation are always interested in new things. They get rid of an old iPhone for the new one that just came out. As long as industries keep growing people will keep buying.
2013-06-15 3:35 am
If its cleaner and have different flavours and if its cheap i think so
2013-06-15 3:07 am
Personally? I say no, they will not.. I say this because i have many friends who smoke real Cigarettes because they like the taste and the kick better.. That and there is still chewing tobacco, that a lot of people still use.
2013-06-15 2:10 am
No, tobacco has been a commodity to man ever since it was first created and we figured out the method of administration such as smoking. People may do the artificial thing sometimes or all the time, but others will continue, revert back to, or switch to real tobacco. I for one like the genuine thing although my body and health force me to slow down and go run to get back up to par. It's kind of like fake ****-well...that's another story too.
2013-06-15 1:33 am
I doubt it'll end the usage of tobacco products, but it may help some kick their bad, disgusting habit.
2013-06-15 1:05 am
Ask the cigarette girl
2013-06-15 12:47 am
yes because most smokers buy cigaretts based on the prices
2013-06-14 10:59 pm
I don't think anyone knows yet. There is NOT enough knowledge of them yet, for all we know they could have worse side effects later in life, or ones just as bad. It's also impossible to know just how much nicotine you're getting, and people who do both trying to quit regular smoking are at higher risks for issues.

HOWEVER, there have been some good things from it, it is cleaner for one, and so far -looks- to be healthier. I've heard from someone who had been smoking them a long time that his lungs and other issues from smoking have completely cleared out. I think it's a matter, for now, of how they're used. You smoke too much and you're likely to fall on your face with a head rush and crack your skull(friend of mine almost did that when he tried a regular mix you can buy with them, and he was a two-pack a day smoker and he got the "Nicotine buzz" from half of one). Later in life they may discover it causes other diseases or the same...As much as people talk about them, they've only been around a few years, there are a lot of pros, but not enough to fully KNOW the cons yet, we'll see. Let's hope it does with less nasty side effects. That would be lovely.
2013-06-14 10:56 pm
I don't think so. I know a few smokers that will use E-cigarettes but still prefer the real thing when they can get away with it.
2013-06-14 10:35 pm
I think we are closer to an end. More and more young people are learning the dangers of cigarettes.
2013-06-14 10:33 pm
Not the end, but will kill most of the tobacco industries profits within 5years. The days of cancer cowboy killers is over. Look for huge price increases in e-cig and e-juice within the next 5years. I'm talking 5x the price as if right now. So... But up your supplies now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-06-14 10:24 pm
in the uk the legal age is 18 to smoke so this should be the same as to these they may make younger peeople start to smoke and these e-cig companies should be banned to making attractive looking e-cigs by putting fancy colours on them but yes i do agree is a better and healther way to get ur fix of nicotine
參考: its a fact
2013-06-14 10:06 pm
Tobacco companies have been diversifying the business portfolios for years, so "the end" is hardly on the horizon. The "E" companies can be bought out -- look at how the major soft drink companies cut nice checks for energy drink businesses....expect the major players in the tobacco industry to possibly take such steps if this fad actually has the legs to stick in pop culture.
2013-06-14 10:05 pm
yes but no not really. It depends on the person.

I know five people who use those e-cigarettes and all I see is this: A ----> B

A is the cigarette and B is the e-cigarette

The addiction itself never stopped. They went from being addicted to tobacco to being addicted to e-cigarettes, so there is no point in using e-cigarettes for the quitting alone.
參考: Addiction is really all in the head.
2013-06-14 9:59 pm
No, because they will soon be banned too. The do-gooders are starting to ban them in different towns and locations because they "give the children the idea that smoking is cool." Yet another resource taken away from smokers trying to quit.
2013-06-14 9:54 pm
if your a smoker of many years then your either going to qiut or not, and smoking these silly things is not going to make you want to stop the flavor of a marlboro light, no way, cause i quit those nasty things long time ago, e cigarettes just gives you the nicotene, the addiction drug in cigarettes,but the tar is illeminated
2013-06-14 9:46 pm
E-cigarettes will probably put an end to tobacco but they still have the chemical that makes it addictive and they are safer.
2013-06-14 9:39 pm
Its a bit cheaper, its cleaner, you can slow down your cravings and its
better than chewing gum until your jaw hurts, putting patches on your arm or taking pills. Some people are always going to put something in their mouth when they are concentrating on a problem, pencils, toothpicks, blades of grass or weeds, erasers, I see a lot more yucky stuff than a small container like those small containers and they are not really noticeable.
What is noticeable and disgusting is people staring at their phones in cars, in stores, in school, at baseball games, at family functions, at dinner meetings, etc etc. etc.
I choose tobacco at least you know people are actually listening to you!
參考: non smoker, anti techie
2013-06-14 9:18 pm
It is possible, because they don't give you cancer... and tobacco does if you smoke it a lot... Well there are lots of differences but i think the E- Cigarettes are much better for the human health.
But i'd say no cause tobacco sells everywhere... and the E- Cigarettes aren't that known but my parents both prefer them than tobacco.
2013-06-14 9:17 pm
E Cigarettes dont help people quit. It only helps people to realize they want to smoke again.
2013-06-14 9:06 pm
Personally, I can vouch for the usefulness of snus (similar to dip, but less harmful to the mouth) in quitting cigarettes. For some reason it really seems to help get through the first week or so of cravings while you get off the habit of actually smoking, which in reality is half the battle -- nicotine is hard to quit, but it strengthens the habits you build around smoking making actually putting down the cigarette the hard part.
2013-06-14 8:37 pm
I would hope so but I doubt it. Many people start smoking as teenagers because they think it makes them look cool and "rebel like". An E-Cigarette will not provide that "cool rebel look" they are going for. Then, they get hooked. Many who smoke love the taste of tobacco.

I have a friend who tried an E-Cigarette and said it leaked. Got another one (unsure if same brand or another brand) and it leaked too.

Sadly, I think we will have tobacco cigarettes and the medical conditions they cause, in our society for a very long time.
2013-06-14 8:35 pm
No one knows, but I think by the time of 2050, there will be smarter people in the world. By then, the E-Cigarettes will be on our phones. I am never going to try any form of smoking or drugs. So, most likely tobbacco will be gone and hopefully your "fun" or the e-cigs will be gone. It is a waste of money, health, time, and clean air. Get a life smokers.
參考: Sitting around ignorant smokers
2013-06-14 8:33 pm
Some people will completely turn from normal cigs to e-cigs... I don't think this will be an end to tabacco companies. People are still goings to buy cigars and cigarettes because they like realism and the hot burn.
2013-06-14 8:31 pm
I don't believe so myself because a person is still carrying out their addiction. In their minds they are still inhaling and tasting the tobacco !
2013-06-14 8:25 pm
Never, smokers don't care and figure they are going to die anyway
2013-06-14 8:09 pm
Hi, To answer this question directly, I say Yes! For the reasons listed above, I could see this replacing tobacco. To grow and process tobacco consumes land and pollutes the air. And the finished product is an addictive, filthy, smelly and cancerous nuisance! It cost us all in the end. Higher health insurance, higher taxes, predisposing us all to impure air and increasing the chance of cancer through second hand smoke. I believe in live and let live but when it affects the good of us all ,then I say let e-cigs be!!! lol Hope that helps ,blessings.
參考: / [email protected]
2013-06-14 8:04 pm
Addiction is always BAD.

Whether its E or N .
2013-06-14 7:50 pm
not a fan of it..
2013-06-14 7:09 pm
I certainly hope so, for all the reasons well known to everyone!
2013-06-14 7:08 pm
Cigarits is not good for health,It can affect our body health,it can gives sick to anyone and aside from that cigarits is danger to our health so cegarits is not good for our selves
2013-06-14 6:36 pm
my husband started using e-cigs a year ago. at first it seemed like the cure for his life long cigarette addiction. now he is addicted to e-cigarettes. in fact he always has one in his hand and is chain-vaping. he coughs like an 80 yr old now despite being in his 30s. i think e-cigs are good as long as you use them for short term to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes but they are not good for long term use. secondly there is not enough research, or case studies to prove that e-cigs are really as safe as their manufacturers claim. i think NO CIGARETTES is the way to go. i use to smoke for 10+ yrs. i used e-cigarettes for 2 weeks, then quit all kinds of cigarettes altogether. its been more than a year now and i feel better already
2013-06-14 6:27 pm
When a person want to stop smoking, they will stop with or without an aid. E-Cigarettes is just another habit and can be a great way to get the edge off for smoker when the person is in area or place where smoking is prohibited.
參考: It may be the end to tobacco companies and the beginning for the makers of the new fad.
2013-06-14 5:38 pm
I doubt it !?! Because I just think that many would rather have the feel & or TASTE of it rather than some fake _???_ "Knock;off" <if you will>!?! _lol_ r"R"r .,.
2013-06-14 5:33 pm
It depend upon the consciousness of the people who smoke. But gradually it will replace the tobacco filled smoke as it got promoted with its advantages and giving likely satisfaction as tobacco filled cigarettes.
2013-06-14 5:01 pm
No marijuana will kill most of it off.
2013-06-14 4:53 pm
there different ciggarettes make you stink e cigarettes dont id radther smoke e cigs than all of these nasty *** tobacco brands that leave your mouth tasting like ****
2013-06-14 2:52 pm
thats a tricky one
2013-06-14 2:24 pm
2013-06-14 10:29 am
the cheapest source of nicotine is tobacco and even e smokes have nicotine
2013-06-14 10:10 am
It will never be an end for the tobacco companies or its lovers! E-ciggs are just one of the easier ways out for the smokers who want to get rid of this habbit, like they quit smoking tobacco, get onto the E-ciggs and then leave the E-ciggs as well and come out clean! But for the tobacco lovers, no, not ever can the E-ciggs take place of the tobacco cigarettes :)
I am saying this with authenticity beacause i used to be a hard time smoker!
參考: All the money that i've smoked in the air!
2013-06-14 8:36 am
I dont think it will because people that smoke probably dont think its the same thing
參考: my brain
2013-06-14 7:56 am
I think not its still smoking related ,and some people will just carry on smoking .They will want the real thing ,Not a substitute
2013-06-14 7:50 am
Maybe, Who knows until it happens!
2013-06-14 6:53 am
To an extent, but it also causes lungs problem.lets hope it will less harm than other thing.
參考: opinion
2013-06-14 6:24 am
I doubt it would be AS addicting. But I wouldn't know, I've never smoked.
2013-06-14 4:08 am
yeah i know a lot of ppl that have and use them and it works for them
2013-06-14 3:15 am
2013-06-15 11:01 pm
No. New studies have just been released pointing to all kinds of problems with E-Smoking as well.

Basically, I don't think inhaling *ANY* kind of smoke into your lungs is a terribly healthy idea.
2013-06-15 9:45 pm
They aren't really the cool thing to do. They're just little toys.
They don't work as well as a real cigarette. I have one, my mom has one, my brothers have them, their friends have had them, I have friends who have them.
They don't work as well. They are fun to use though and good for when your inside.
2013-06-15 9:42 pm
No, I like to smoke tobacco
2013-06-15 9:04 pm
Possibly, but it still hurts the environment, and sooner or later when they make them complex they could soon hurt the people.

Good things about E-cig..
•Cuts down on littering
•Has water vapor smoke instead of normal smoke.
Bad Things...
•They are gonna decrease jobs for the tobacco farmer, and the entire cigarette creators, meaning less money to provide.

That's pretty much it, they are better for the world/environment and they are bad for economy.
2013-06-15 10:16 am
I tried it but it didn't work for me - it's not the same. What's up with all the flavours? I tried Nicotine Gum and that worked for me. I think people should try anything (within reason) to quit and see what works for them.
2013-06-15 7:36 am
No cuz smoking it different then using a e cig.. They act differently
2013-06-15 5:38 am
No, they won't. There are far more ways to consume tobacco than with cigarettes. To be honest, with all the chemicals and toxins in them, I wouldn't even consider cigarettes to be "real" tobacco. Cigars, shisha, even pipe tobacco is far superior in flavor and (although no form of smoking is good for you) less bad for you than cigarettes. Tobacco is also used ceremonially in various Native American and Afro-Carribean religions, so that will ensure at least some tobacco use will remain even if cigarettes become a thing of the past.
2013-06-15 5:06 am
No It's A Fad. The Truth Is People Like to smoke because its "Cool" No Matter what Invention comes out it will still just be.."Cooler".We found out in the eighties for 100% sure they cause Cancer and that Didn't Even Dent sales,more smoke Now Day's Than Ever Before.
2013-06-15 4:04 am
I don't think so, it takes care of the desire to hold something but not the nicotine need itself.
2013-06-15 3:55 am
No, The e-cigarette is a fad, the supplies are too expensive to continue with. Tobacco use will continue as long as they are marketed.
2013-06-15 3:53 am
not too likely
2013-06-15 1:33 am
no i don't. they (the government, tobacco farmers, sales marketers, etc...) will find a way to use tobacco if not in cigarettes. because the tobacco itself is not all that bad its the additives they use when put in a cigarette. so if they use different additives and/or take out additives then they could use tobacco for something completely different. and also since there are some people that think that the regular cigarette is better then they will use that cigarette and some people, especially teens, think that smoking an e-cigarette is not cool at all. they're gonna smoke whats cool, makes them high and is cheap.
2013-06-15 12:03 am
General nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum, etc) is a much safer and more effective method of quitting smoking, and the best source of nicotine IS tobacco, so no, e-cigs will not put an end to tobacco.
2013-06-14 11:23 pm
NO. First people are already complaining because no studies have been done for the long-term health issues & 2nd. This is america. They are NOT going to let the medical companies make the profit. Dur. The Tobacco companies are already trying to cash in on the proffit. Heaven forbid Marlboro or anyone else for that matter doesn't get there peice of the pie. ( As if I care if they went down ) PLUS you can GUARANTEE that if/when they do It will be altered & they will have to put there OWN WARNINGS on them. But that's what makes america such a wonderful place, isn't it. ?.........
2013-06-14 11:05 pm
as a 46 year confirmed I like the real thing
2013-06-14 10:34 pm
You still have the 'appearance' of 'smoking', so not at all a fan. And adding flavors like Bubble Gum is just marketing this product to kids (especially girls). Disgusting.
2013-06-14 9:33 pm
I hope so. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke! Everyone always makes me and other second hand smoke. Also. the e-cigs are more healthier for the smoker, & they have less of an odor. Plus they look better and don't have any ash so I'm all for them compared to the regular Cigs.
參考: my nose!
2013-06-14 8:40 pm
Smoking is suicide... it won't matter.
2013-06-14 5:53 pm
No, this will not be the end to tabacoo companies because too many people like the real cigarettes and will not switch over to the fake ways. SMOOOOKKE WEEEED ERRY DAYY!!
參考: you mother
2013-06-14 1:26 pm
No, all of the friends/family I know who have taken up e-cigarettes in attempts to cut down their smoking have all resorted back to cigarettes. I don't think it is a healthy alternative. Smoking should just be banned outright.
2013-06-14 10:36 am
I doubt it, I always thought those E-Cigarettes made people look like douchebags. Especially when they go inside a store and start smoking those waiting for you to say something to them, so they can tell you off. There something about a real cigarette that only it can do.
2013-06-14 10:26 am
These E-cigarettes may help people break the habit of smoking. I hope that it does it's very difficult to quit. My concern is the fact that there is no nicotine in this type of stop smoking aid. There are choices out there that have nicotine in the product and one can gradually reduce their nicotine intake a little at a time. Nicotine is a drug. A doctor would gradually reduce a drug that he wished to stop prescribing to a patient. Perhaps nicotine should be withdrawn in a similar fashion. My guess is the E-Cigarettes will work for some and others may need a different approach. I do hope that all people trying to stop smoking will succeed which ever way they choose. As far as E-Cigs. replacing tobacco? I don't think so. Again, why bother if there is no nicotine. It will be about as popular as non-alcoholic beer. Just my opinion.
2013-06-14 8:53 am
no smoking is still smoking
參考: yahoo messenger
2013-06-14 8:30 am
not only will it not put an end to tobacco, it will make some smokers want tobacco more!
my father tried the e-cigarettes, its awful he said. and after trying, he immediately bought 3 packs of normal cigarettes!
2013-06-15 5:40 am
I do not think that E-Cigarettes will put an end to tobacco because it still has nicotine in it, and it is that same essence that will still get people hook into the addiction. Even if it eliminates the lung cancer, the odor, and maybe less fire hazard, it is still a risk to anyone who may use it and possibly comes up with a new cancer or some illness like that which will harm people in the long run. History repeats itself and most people are still too delusion to see the pattern.
2013-06-15 4:46 am
Well first of all, we have to consider that smoking is most likely completely different from E-smoking because of all the other answers. It's obviously considered more disgusting than actually smoking. Can you imagine tasting smoke with pina colada. That'd be like putting ketchup on ice cream! I'm sure we've been using these e-cigarettes for a while and they've done just about nothing, Therefore I am sure that they will not stop smoking or put an end to tobacco companies.
2013-06-15 3:50 am
Nope. I consider e-cigarettes a way of "pretending" that you're still doing the same thing...smoking. I think they're just the latest fad among smokers who like to pretend they're trying to quit. I know people who have used them for awhile, but eventually lost interest in them and went back to the real thing anyway.
2013-06-15 2:57 am
E-smocking is still bad, it may not have nicotine but still has the bad habit of hand to mouth movement that is part of cigarette addiction.
2013-06-14 1:19 pm
No way. Most of the people who smoke smoke because of their need for tobacco and E-cigarettes cannot satisfy them.
2013-06-14 4:30 am
I just quit in oct 2012 if i would start smoking again i would get the real thing not no E cigs. Its a fake cigarette why not just smoke the real thing...They are both ugly nasty habits.
2016-01-31 2:32 pm
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2015-06-05 7:06 pm
I hope not!
2014-10-31 7:33 am
HOWEVER, there have been some good things from it, it is cleaner for one, and so far -looks- to be healthier. I've heard from someone who had been smoking them a long time that his lungs and other issues from smoking have completely cleared out. I think it's a matter, for now, of how they're used. You smoke too much and you're likely to fall on your face with a head rush and crack your skull(friend of mine almost did that when he tried a regular mix you can buy with them, and he was a two-pack a day smoker and he got the "Nicotine buzz" from half of one). Later in life they may discover it causes other diseases or the same...As much as people talk about them, they've only been around a few years, there are a lot of pros, but not enough to fully KNOW the cons yet, we'll see. Let's hope it does with less nasty side effects. That would be lovely.
2014-06-15 2:47 pm
For me personally - I don't actually want to have to give it up. I've been off real cigarettes for three and a half years thanks to e-cigarettes, and whilst I hated being a real smoker, now I've found this much better alternative, I'm happy to continue with it.
2013-06-17 7:10 pm
The tobacco industry will survive but may be somewhat smaller. Many are converting to vaping but there will always be certain amount of people that are hooked on tobacco.

I am a ex-smoker and now I have vaped for 2 years
2013-06-17 7:10 pm
Not if my experience with them is a 'valid' indicator.

I shelled out $55.00 for a "set": forget them exact names of all members, but one has to be periodically replaced - they simply wear out.

AND, you have to electrically after what seemed to me to be a relatively short period of time, 'recharge' another - now that's a "pain in the b*tt" for me.

SO, NO: unless the above is remediated: WHAT'S THE POINT?

A disgruntled Alberich
2013-06-17 7:01 pm
No, we export enough tobacco to the 3rd world to keep the tobacco companies solvent for a long long time. Tobacco is still a legal drug, and it will be used and abused.

Glad I stopped.
2013-06-17 6:54 pm
No it wont put an end to tobacco.

Cigarettes are not the only form of tobacco people use. Certainly it will cut into normal cigarette sales, however can i please let you all know smoking real or electronic is NEVER going to be cool.

You only get one life - Never waste it.
2013-06-17 6:37 pm
I stopped smoking 18 months ago and NO credit goes to the e-cig. The e-cigs that are advertised on television and sold in convenience stores all over the States is awful. I tried those first and hated them. I did my homework on products to stop smoking and ended up in a live chat room discussing analog cigarettes alternatives. Several people told me to get the starter kit with a batter, atomizer, tank and recharger. I ordered the starter kit for $70 and some flavored liquids to put into the tank to 'vape'. The word vape of course is shorthand for vapor which is what any e-cig produces. It's a water vapor. The question of whether it's better to use a product like an eGo-T vape or to smoke analog cigarettes is not disputed since vaping is hands-down a safer nicotine delivery system.

Bottom line here, tobacco companies are losing money. If the tobacco companies lose money, the U.S. Government and every State in the USA loses money. Do you really think either the Federal Government or the tobacco industry will quietly sit on their hands while they're losing millions of addicted smokers every year to alternative products? No way.

The Federal Government wants us all to stop smoking so that we don't suck up money from the health care system when we develop emphysema or lung cancer. BUT they will stop the companies that are having big success with smoking alternatives because they will lose too much revenue. The FDA will block legalizing the sale of e-liquids in stores by claiming there haven't been enough studies to prove it's safe. That's not true at all. There are many studies done in other countries that prove that e-liquds are safe. Yes, they contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance but it is not one of the thousands of other chemicals that is a known carcinogen. The tobacco companies are of course siding with the Feds in that respect, but on the other hand they are hedging their bets by planning to release their own e-liquids for people that vape. Marlboro is one that is developing their own e-juice.
2013-06-17 6:26 pm
Tobacco companies will buy E-Cigarettes companies and really start to make money.
2013-06-17 5:43 pm
Well they're more expensive. Smokers are going out of fashion anyway, no one looks cool anymore with a fag sticking out of their mouth like they did in the 20's.
2013-06-17 5:28 pm
no it will not. Tobacco has been used for way no many years. I think it is something that will never be "put out"
2013-06-17 4:29 pm
Definitely not. Ecigs are water vapor, and are ridiculous. The favors are just going to introduce kids to real cigarettes. I've seen a lot of questions about ecigs, that 13 year olds smoke them!
2013-06-17 3:40 pm
ya don't contain any nicotine and dont cause any cancer.
2013-06-17 3:03 pm
Mr tobacco company: "I AM MAKING SO MUCH F* CKING MONEY!"

Mr E cig company: "I am starting to make money due to the health problems associated with cigs!"

Mr tobacco company: "we are losing sales to this competitor exploiting our products!"

Mr E cig company: "we will be the future of smoking!"

Mr tobacco company: "We will take them to court with our wallets as the lawyer and the government as our judge"

Mr E cig company: "we lost our product due to a breach in a loophole!"

Mr tobacco company: "NO COMMENT NEEDED"
參考: money, power and influence is all that is needed
2013-06-17 2:34 pm
well yes and no because the smoker wont feel the same thing and smoking a cig is always going to be the same thing, and one more thing is that what ever you do this e cig wont finish all the cancer and other stuff. tobacco companies are extremely rich and powerful if sells will go down they will figure out a way to make money some other way, and one more thing is that the tobacco companies give lots of money to the government (thats what i think) so the government will help with the sells
2013-06-17 2:32 pm
I've been using E-Cigarettes for over two years now, and I swear to them. It's not a product to cure a person from smoking, but rather a healthier alternative that still gives you the satisfaction that a cigarette does. Most people that I know that have tried them, and said they didn't like them, is because they bought a cheap one at a convenience store. If you go to a real E-Cigarette store (Vape) you can buy good quality E-cigs that will give you a good hit like a real cigarette will.
2013-06-17 1:43 pm
No I don't think it will, I know plenty of smokers and they just don't like the taste of the e cigs and would rather just smoke a normal cigaret.
2013-06-17 1:16 pm
No, too much lobby money for tobacco...also the foreign interest will keep big tobacco growing even if they don't have a market in the US
2013-06-17 1:11 pm
NO no please e-cigarette is not cool yahoo, this is deceitful, this cigarette is dangerous too just like regular cigarette, the nicotine in E-cigarettes is dangerous for human lungs. The Canadian Lungs Association had issue warning about the danger of E-cigarette years ago. Even China, the inventor of this E-cigarettes had tell its people to stop using this cigarettes because it is dangerous to health and this product not yet past the national health test.
2013-06-17 12:47 pm
It may end tobacco, but it won't pulverize the bad effects of cigarettes, the nicotines. The liquid mix that is used in those e-cigarettes also contain nicotine.

But wait, for those who knows that it's more cancerous (because you get your mouth nearby the battery and it's electric, we all know that), they'd avoid it. And if everyone knows that fact, the e-cigar will fail instead.
參考: Father
2013-06-17 12:27 pm
no or not smoking ig dengraious.
2013-06-17 12:21 pm
Nope, probably not. Real smokers won't get attracted by e-cigarettes how much ever clean they would be. They would only seek "richness of tobacco" in cigarettes! lol. They might think that e-smoking won't give the real enjoyment of smoking so, tobacco companies are not going to die so soon.
2013-06-17 11:04 am
no its your choice
參考: thank about what you want and you we see the best
2013-06-17 10:17 am
I'm on some HORRIBLE drugs which are designed to help me quit smoking.

My uncle died of lung cancer, my mother has cancer, my grandmother is dying of emphysema and all three smoked.

I hope I can quit. The E-cigarette is a good idea but I don't think that cancer is a great idea.
2013-06-17 10:07 am
I think not. My parents are smokers and they say they would never try that electric ****.
2013-06-17 9:12 am
No I don't think people would quit because they are to addictive and thick headed and going to do what they want and E cigarettes don't do for all people . None of it is for all.
參考: My own opinion
2013-06-17 9:08 am
I find it rude to smoke those things on the buses. I mean really, people don't know what's in the liquid. And if it has nicotine in it, then it is still causing second hand smoke. I think people bought the hype of this JUNK and need rethink smoking all together. A family member got me hooked on smoking at 6yrs old (what a.... you know). And I continued smoking until I turned 16yrs old. I stopped smoking without those patches, without that gum and without those E-Cigarettes. My thoughts are you started it then you should the willpower to stop.
參考: Strengthen your own mind and don't let the world change that. Use what you were given and think outside the box, think for yourself.
2013-06-17 8:44 am
It would be safer than the regular cigarettes since tar and other toxic elements will be eliminated and replaced by water vapor. However the addictive nicotine contained on both cigarettes could someway or another won't stop the craving to go back to tobacco smoking as along as it is available. So the question now is "do you think you people who smoke e-cig will stick to it and have the will to ignore the smell of tobacco?
參考: been an e-cig vaper for 2 years. still smoke tobacco but much less than before.
2013-06-17 8:35 am
I don't think so cause there are people like me out there who smoke and enjoy the act of "lighting" a cigarette and the sensation of real smoke.
2013-06-17 8:34 am
Nope. Tried to use one for a night finished by the end of the night on my way to buy a pack of smokes. Waste of $10 canadian.
2013-06-17 8:11 am
no onlt legislation would do that some people love to be naughty an dare on slow self destruct
2013-06-17 8:09 am
I honestly don't think this will end the tabacoo companies at all. Not everyone is going to switch to the E-Cigarettes, so taboacco companies will still be up and running. And people love their precious tabacoo, so they can't give it up
2013-06-17 8:07 am
Honestly i dont think so. i bought the kit for my husband and after a few months using of using it, its been stored gathering dust. he says its like doing the hubbly bubbly and he isnt into crap like that lol. so no i dont think E-cigs will put an end to tabacco. the thing he hated the most was the fact that he needed to charge/recharge the e-cig. most of the time he forgot and went to work or so and ended up having no cigs with him. i can imagine that would be extremely unpleasant.

it would be a nice thought though. i am a non smoker and living with a smoker i can tell you there is a huge difference with the e-cig. its more tolerable than an actual cig. unfortunately i dont see the e-cig being as successful as that of an actual cig, especially not with all the new cheap brands (imported and may i say slightly illegal) that most people buy now a days. especially if you look at the huge price differences.
2013-06-17 8:05 am
I bought my e-cigg a couple of years ago.I have used it a total of two times. Ciggs however I've smoked 100000000 since i bought me e-cigg.
No, there is no way that e-ciggs will put an end to tobacco.
2013-06-17 7:27 am
No. It might make a small dent in the market, but most smokers have had years to sample a variety of different brands of real cigarettes and find a brand that they feel is the best tasting/most tolerable/coolest/whatever. E-cigarettes vary widely in smoke texture and flavor, and that coupled with the fact that they can be more expensive to sample (as the more expensive ones are made to be reused) I'm sure makes many people resistant to give them a fair shot. Plus, they are not seen as being as "cool" as real cigarettes. When you smoke an E-cigarette, you may feel more like a druggie since your essentially sucking on a "drug-stick" to get your fix whereas actually burning real tobacco may feel more natural and organic in experience.

I wish that more people would smoke them out of those who already smoke since they are less harmful to you.
參考: Always surrounded by smokers.
2013-06-17 7:06 am
well just due to the economy and how prices are going up and i have seen them for sell for around 200-500 dollars and that's not including filters,something tells me the tobacco company's will still be around there are a over 2.million doller company if a few stop buyign cigs and swich to e-cigs the tobbaco company can just sit on their pilles of cash untill they replace those 2 with 10 more people who get hooked. but you know It still might replace the origanil smokeing style its hard to tell with how qwickly things change.
2013-06-17 6:58 am
i think at least this will help the surrounding peoples from the smokers.
2013-06-17 6:38 am
E- cigarette companies are being bought out by tobacco companies because they are profitable. It doesn't matter how many are sold in this country because the rest of the world is smoking more than ever. Regular cigarettes will never be out sold because nicotine in a cigarette has no substitute. It's part of our culture and some people smoke because they think it's the "cool" thing to do. Electric cars are becoming more popular also these days but will never out sell gas and deisel burnning vehicles
2013-06-17 6:23 am
No because in Arizona I can buy a carton of cigarettes on the Indian reservation for $12 bucks
2013-06-17 5:33 am
Whoever said E-Cigarettes are aimed toward people who want to quit smoking clearly hasn't seen the commercials or fully understood the articles. Saying "Now I don't have to leave the restaurant to smoke behind a dumpster in the freezing cold!" is not synonymous with "I'm having trouble quitting and this will help me!" No, it's saying "Hurray! I don't have to remove myself from a building to have a roll! I can still smoke!"

I don't agree with this being a healthy alternative to smoking, especially when it means getting your nicotine dose on a whim without having to leave a building. It's an easier method of smoking, so it's not going to phase many people as a disruption or truly unhealthy habit that should be stopped altogether. The biggest 'advance' here is that you're switching from regular nicotine to heated nicotine vapor. Seeing as E-Cigs don't use tobacco, they don't abide by US tobacco laws, meaning there is no proof-of-age to purchase them. I don't know about you but that scares me. There are already reports of young folks walking into school with E-Cigs and copping a fit because "they're not real cigarettes".

I don't like them in the hands of children and teens. I'm also a little worried about the "we're not entirely sure if they're safe yet" articles. Where is the FDA? Seems as if they let things hit the shelves before actually evaluating the product and setting up regulations for its dispersal. A lot of these articles are saying they really have no idea if E-Cigs *are* a healthier alternative to smoking.

My Opinion: I wouldn't smoke one. I don't want younger folks smoking them. But I don't care if adults choose to because, well, they're *adults*.
2013-06-17 5:23 am
No, E cigs barely give you a buzz. Far less nicotine than regular cigarettes therefor ppl that are used to regular ones could still suffer from withdrawal cause they arent getting alot of nicotine
2013-06-17 4:57 am
No.. there will always be the people who want the real thing.
2013-06-17 4:47 am
You are going to stop smoking. Even if it kills you.
2013-06-17 4:21 am
i don't think so, because it have the market.
2013-06-17 4:20 am
What are e-cigarrettes? online cigarrettes?
2013-06-17 4:16 am
2013-06-17 4:11 am
it's still for-profit, so a corporate game...
It's wrong to profit off of people who want to save their lives.
What needs to be done is make stop smoking aids much cheaper!
What people pay should only cover costs.
Immoral people try to profit!

If nicotine gum was only 5 or 10 bucks for a month's supply hundreds of thousands of people would quit smoking every day!
2013-06-17 3:57 am
no ,i hate it
2013-06-17 3:52 am
No way, nope, and never. All they do is increase an addiction to smoking. Flavors? Ha! Might as well have someone who doesn't want to suck their boyfriend put a flavored condom onto the dick.

Those of us who smoke, or are trying to break the habit would all do well to follow Augustus Water's example from The Fault in Our Stars. He puts a cigarette in his mouth, but doesn't light it. "It's a metaphor, see: you put the killing object right between your teeth, but you don't light it, you don't give it the power to kill." Augustus Waters, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
2013-06-17 3:44 am
no,i don't smoke
2013-06-17 3:01 am
No, because there is something about the tobacco that smokers prefer. E cigs may solve the nicotine need, but it just doesn't settle the craving. Every smoker I've known has tried the E cig, but have always rejected it not long after and gone back to tobacco.
2013-06-17 2:43 am
No.I am a smoker.It will not give you the tobacco taste in your mouth or the nicotine your body craves therefor giving you a headache. It seems to be a vapor.Sucking liquid into your lungs should give you ammonia.I smoke because I want to. I have quit twice in my life for over a year both times.I quit by just not doing it because I didn't want to smoke. I started again because I wanted to.
2013-06-17 2:32 am
No. They are not instruments of destruction like the real smokes are. They were made to help get people off the habit. Now it seems like they have become the "in" thing because they are "safe". I smoked for 38 years. I've now been smoke free 2 years. I fail to see the "cool" thing about sticking a round object in your mouth and blowing smoke.
2013-06-17 2:20 am
no, it's kinda weird looking
2013-06-17 12:39 am
Maybe this is the answer to smoking cigarettes, but it will be in the future, how far, we don't know. As of the near future, NO. A lot of faithful smokers still want that tobacco taste that we have grown to love and crave, maybe when our children's children who have not been exposed to real cigarettes will one day use these smoke free ones. But I guess, no time soon.
2013-06-17 12:36 am
Of course. Just as I don't use an abacus to do math. It is a superior technology.
2013-06-17 12:24 am
Yes and no. The fact we have to take up on one thing to replace another is still a crutch that we need to overcome. The fact that e-cigarettes still need to be charged and heard that overcharging can cause a potentially hazardous situations would concern me. I still think cigarettes will be around in some form or other for socialization mostly. It does need to be done away with totally but not by replacing it with something else that we have to hold in our hands and suck into our mouths because it is favorable, that what we have gum and mints for!
參考: Cold Turkey Ex smoker for 5 yrs now.
2013-06-17 12:22 am
Yes, I think it will be mostly the future. But tobacco will still be in the future, so it will not be the end of tobacco companies.
2013-06-16 11:52 pm
Не съм пушач....
2013-06-16 11:31 pm

Might make it healthier, but it will still make people smoke.
2013-06-16 11:20 pm
No way. Not at all but it will help and reduce the number of smokers!! It may take another 100 years to get completely rid of the Tobacco smokers. I won't be here by that time!! Hello...
2013-06-16 11:17 pm
I don't think so people just have to grow up and do the healthy thing quit.
2013-06-16 11:03 pm
I certainly hope so. They worked to get me off of cigarettes. I smoked a pack a day for 25 years, but as of October 8, 2012, thanks to e-cigarettes, I put the killers down forever.
參考: Personal accomplishment
2013-06-16 10:56 pm
no, thay taste nasty *** all hell. far worse than any cigarettes i have ever smoked( with one exception of stale fortuna's) Pulse that dint relay help some ppl my moms been trying to quit for the last year but she just ended up switch to e cigs. lol it relay sucks because there way more expensive and still go fast. most smokers will smoke one then go do someting else for some time and when thay want another one thay come back. a pack for me lasts 2 days because i smoke about a half a pack a day. however one e-cig is gone in a day because she continuously smokes it.
2013-06-16 10:03 pm
2013-06-16 9:45 pm
classic always wins......:/
2013-06-16 9:42 pm
參考: Me
2013-06-16 9:42 pm
I've tried it and it did not do anything for me. Cigarettes will continue to be sold.
2013-06-16 9:36 pm
They will definitely be more popular but not put an end to tobacco people still prefer different things.
2013-06-16 9:29 pm
If you go to the stop smoking clinic , they don't want you to use these , they want you to get away from the hand to mouth habit, so I say no.
2013-06-16 9:24 pm
I don't think this will be the end of tobacco because, first of all they are not cheaper and they do not really satisfy the craving for a cigarette. They are good because there is no ashes and no harmful fumes. I think they need to be improved more and definitely come down on the price. Where I live they sell one Blu for $15 and you can only get about 20 uses for it.
參考: my source is me, since I am a smoker and have tried them!
2013-06-16 9:07 pm
I think not.

They aren't "the cool thing" to do now, despite the advertising binge. You'd have to be retarded to pick them up as a habit. Nobody except viral marketers would claim this

They're just a way to pretend you're smoking, no more a substitute for real smoking than nicotine gum.

As for the "flavoring" this is an obvious attempt to get kids addicted to nicotine. The fact that you even claim this as a "selling point" makes me question what is your agenda? It's like selling crack with candy flavorings.
2013-06-16 9:00 pm
It will probably be the end of tobacco companies, but still, e-cigarettes get you in the habit of somoking, and if it isn't the end of tobacco companies, then people might switch to the tobacco companies. Smoking is smoking no matter what. Don't smoke!
2013-06-16 8:44 pm
Smokers are disgusting addicts.
2013-06-16 8:36 pm
NO BECAUSE E cigarrettes are JUST as bad as real ones
2013-06-16 8:29 pm
No i don't think that e cigar ate can stop smoking. It will inspire everyone for smoking.
2013-06-16 7:56 pm
Like all new inventions, E-Cigarettes have their advantages but they also have their disadvantages:

1) Less risks to fires due to flying ash.
2) Less health risks due to second hand smoke.
3) Less money is being wasted by cigarettes.
4) Little to no odor.
5) Less risks of nicotine poisoning.
6) Leaves no nasty after taste.

1) Creates electronic waste.
2) Not regulated.
3) Encourages underage kids to smoke.
4) Just as addictive.
5) Increases the risks of nicotine poisoning.
6) Encourages people to smoke more because it leaves no nasty after taste.
2013-06-16 7:39 pm
E-cigarettes getting people to give up tobacco is like Near Beer being used to give up being an alcoholic. It's just not the same as the real thing.
2013-06-16 7:00 pm
No. I tried one and went back to regular cigarettes. It's the same difference as between real weed and artificial weed. One does not replace the other.
2013-06-16 6:24 pm
no because of tax on tobacco
2013-06-16 6:13 pm
You don't really need them. I think it's a waste of time and money, to be honest.
2013-06-16 6:08 pm
maybe, still it will take long till they are popular worldwide. here in India nearly one out of every three men smoke and very very few even know about e cigarettes. tobacco lobbies will do everything they can to stunt the e cigarette industry i think.
2013-06-16 6:03 pm
my mom tired them and said he didnt liek the so did my brother he said the same my dad aswell. most smokers dont like e ciggarettes thay are not cheaper a good rechargeble one is 40-60 bucks and you still have to pay continulesly for more carteges.
2013-06-16 5:54 pm
Yes. I've allready seen some people smoking E-Cigrettes.
2013-06-16 5:28 pm
No, but they definetly will make a difference.
2013-06-16 5:28 pm
No ways E-Cigarettes are going to put an end to tobacco. Even though they may become popular in the near future but only among the upper and middle classes. Its obvious that the lower classes wouldn't be able to afford it and will continue relying on tobacco.
2013-06-16 4:59 pm
While you are continuing your habit and gaining poorer health, companies are getting richer.
Stop smoking! You can do it. Replace it with something that makes you smile when you wake up in the morning, and feel liberated that you have accomplished something to make you live longer.
參考: personal accomplishments
2013-06-16 4:52 pm
No, people will just revert back to tobacco for the nicotine cravings are powerful.
Unless they supplement nicotine patches or gum while trying to switch.
Besides the gov't earns too much money from the purchase of tobacco
2013-06-16 4:48 pm
E-cigs tend to run on battery right?
what if the battery leaks and blows up in your face
I mean who is dumb enough to put a electronic device in their mouth?!
2013-06-16 4:43 pm
I work in a shop that sells e-Cigs of all shapes and sizes. Yes. It is a better alternative. We've had people in their 60s, who have smoked for decades and given up using the e-Cigs.

The point of the liquids that are used with them is that they don't contain any of the crap in a normal cigarette. The only thing in them is nicotine, which isn't actually harmful. Its the 4000 chemicals in regular cigs that do the harm.

Because of the nicotine only principle, peoples bodies build resistance to it as they smoke the e-cigs and gradually wean themselves off of it entirely. That's the whole point.

Smoking 20 a day sets the average smoker back around £2500 a year. Using e-cigs, including the price of the kit, sets you back £450 a year (at least from our shop).

For people who say "You don't need the e-cigs, you only need willpower". Fine. Get off your high horse and realise that not everyone is you and shut up.
參考: Work for "No Smoke". Sell these e-cigs daily. Seen the results for myself.
2013-06-16 4:29 pm
Some people aren't remotely interested in giving up smoking and as long as there are enough of them tobacco companies still have a future.
2013-06-16 3:57 pm
E-cigarettes helped me quit cigarettes quickly. They gave me a headache and that is what I associated smoking with. It was enough to curb the bad habit. I don't partake in either one now in nearly 4 years. I can't speak for anyone else, but I doubt they will take the place of tobacco unless someone is trying to quit.
2013-06-16 3:26 pm
No because billions of people today is still walking the world smoking.They have no idea what cigarettes can do to your health.
2013-06-16 3:03 pm
I have a father and brother that smoke. I am an asthmatic and the smell of cigarette smoke aggravates it not to mention smells revolting anyways. I tried to convince my 20 year old brother to try E-Cigs, and has been using them for around a month or so. It's cheaper. I don't have to worry about having a cold draft blow in every time he opens the door to go out or come in from a smoke in Winter. I don't have to suffer from cigarette smoke coming from him, his clothes or his room, and having it waft through the house or seeing goddamn butts around the house! So I'm all for it. I know it's not quitting, but it's a start. And besides, it may be harsh, but I don't care what happens to smokers in the healthy sense (like cancer or death). If you want to smoke, except the consequences, but don't disgust other people with your gross coughing and stuff. Coughing is another bonus with my brother smoking E-Cigs. It's cut it down dramatically!

PRO E-CIGS!!! All the way!
2013-06-16 2:18 pm
because they aren't aviable every where and some smokers don't like them
2013-06-16 2:05 pm
Never . I grow my own tobacco, free from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides. I cure it naturally and add no flavorings or accelerants. Taste is what smoking is all about and anyway, we all must die from something.
2013-06-16 1:56 pm
E-Cigarettes are just a new convenience people can use when they can't smoke the real ones in the area.
Cigarettes have long sense become a staple. There here to stay, unfortunately.
2013-06-16 12:28 pm
No, because they're still cigarettes and smoking cigarettes is bad or everyone.
2013-06-16 12:23 pm
I think tobacco companies will see the advantage of this devices and invest money and resources. There are far less negatives to E-Cigarettes and of course lots of money to be made. I use them and they work for me.
2013-06-16 12:20 pm
they might try to suggest e-smokes to people but i think they will still keep going with tobacco
2013-06-16 11:50 am
i think that not only e-cigarettes but any kind of tobacco get nothing without cancer or get many kind of human Diseases and buy a think that not only bad for our health but also lost money.
2013-06-16 8:56 am
I always heard that tobacco will always be aground, and they can't just 'ban' it or get rid of it as thousands of people's livelihoods are based on their farming of tobacco, especially in the LEDC's, meaning if we do abolish tobacco many people will lose their jobs across the world, but that's just what I heard...
2013-06-16 8:17 am
yes E- Cigarettes will put a end to tobacco because it helps people to determine that smoking tobacco will kill them harm them as using E-Cigarettes will not harm them and it decreases the habit of smoking as well as doesn't harms the health and echo.
2013-06-16 7:52 am
No.They suck,I have tried it and i spend $10 for nothing.It was finish on the same day.Tasted like candy(mint).It do not have nicotine so it leaves craving like crazy and you run to buy a pack.It was a waste of money.
參考: Me,i tried it.
2013-06-16 7:23 am
even they r cheap,clean n cool thing to do but people will not stop to smoke tobacco as if it beacame like habit to take tobacco like we drink tea early in the morning
2013-06-16 7:16 am
No because most people don't really care about facts or logic. For example my cousin smoke and one of the reason he smokes is because he can blow out the smoke...he thinks it's cool. He know full well that second hand smoking is a lot more dangerous for people close by but he's just like most smokers, stubborn.

Ever seen that one coffee vs 4day energy drink commercial thing? The latter side made many good points to support that the energy drink is better but the thing is it's not about the benefit its about the for the e-cigarettes vs tobacco it's about aesthetics.
參考: ME
2013-06-16 7:14 am
I bought some for my friends who smoke, they tried them...and hated them.
They said it wasn't the same.

.......I don't get it, but I respect it. They just aren't as good apparently. So much for trying to get them to stop smoking.
參考: My friends.
2013-06-16 7:12 am
I do think so because it seems like more and more people are trying to quit smoking and be healthier. I know several people who are trying it. And say they have had no cravings because it is physcological
2013-06-16 5:42 am
No. Hardly doubt long time smokers will make the switch.
2013-06-16 4:56 am
I don't think so, some people don't care about how clean it is or how much healthier it is for them, they may be too proud to switch to E-Cigarettes because they think it's not as tough as smoking real tobacco. Some people may enjoy actual cigarettes because of preference. The older generation can also think it's just too much of a hassle or it's some kind of fad.
2013-06-16 4:28 am
Not necessarily...
Correct me if I'm wrong but people are so obsessed with the drugs like marijuana, meth, weed, etc... and this can put an end to the cigarettes but probably not to the drugs used until there is another form of drugs that becomes 'popular'
參考: School
2013-06-16 4:23 am
Its no better than the patches it takes will power to stop smoking. So if you want to stop you will no matter which method you use but, if you dont have the will power you wont be stopping anytime soon.
2013-06-16 4:22 am
No, not any more than other non-smoking methods of nicotine delivery.

It is just another way to sell drugs to some people who like it and can afford it.

No one is going to invent a way to delivery nicotine to the brain in an easier and cheaper way such that the addict is willing to switch from smoking to a less satisfying modus operandi.

Likewise for marijuana. Synthetic THC (the psychoactive agent in dope) and marijuana brownies are not quite as satisfying to dope addicts as smoking weed. People want immediate gratification for the drug of their choice and the ability to control and monitor its effect on demand, which is delivered perfectly by smoking.

The same is true for nicotine addicts.

Different strokes for different folks.
2013-06-16 4:14 am
I have been a smoker for a quite some time now, and after the presentation of the new e-cigarette concept I thought that I give it a try. I've been testing various brands and flavors, and after a few months, I can't really say it's a promising compromise. Like most people say, it's not just the nicotine. Smoking tobacco is different from people to people. And there are over 200 brands with 200 different combinations of various tobacco blends. You just enjoy that specific taste of the tobacco and after trying most e-cig brands, none of them are not even close to the real deal.
First of all, all the e-cig flavors (refill liquids) have a sweet taste. Tobacco isn't sweet, and that's unique. Unless you want the vanilla/menthol combo like Black Devil or similar, but still. And there is another failing glitch. E-cigarettes require a lot of maintenance. For instance, constantly charging batteries like it's a damn cell phone. Then, refilling the liquid. Then you have to clean the contacts between the atomizer and the battery. I mean, it's just too much work for something you usually just light for 2 seconds and smoke. This takes a lot of effort and you are constantly relying on the battery power you have. One time my battery ran out when I was smoking these e-cigs. It was horrible! I was really stressed out that day, and I really needed a good smoke. After some time, I snapped and bought a pack of normal smokes (Marlboro Red in particular)

In conclusion, if you love smoking, and don't want to quit, then stick to what you have. If you really want to completely stop smoking, then the e-cigarette is a good choice. Much better than the nicotine gum and patches. But just for quitting.

In my view, I really love smoking. I enjoy it very much. I am aware of the dangers and risks, but to be honest, I don't give a damn much. And that's my choice. If someone thinks otherwise, I respect that. I just hate people who annoy smokers with the dangers of smoking and about the thing how "addicted" they are but at the same time are being hypocrite for drinking alcohol every weekend and at the same time destroying public property and having even more health issues since alcohol will at some point cause really bad liver issues and at the same time destroying brain cells etc., per se. At least I don't wake up in a barn wheresoever after smoking a pack. And I don't get into pointless fights and don't trash the streets and....well you get the point.
2013-06-16 3:51 am

Why? Because why would people be stupid enough to keep smoking tobacco when something that isn't deadly and that is cheaper is available? I believe people will start being smarter and quit killing themself and use E-Cigarettes.
2013-06-16 3:49 am
The Tobacco companies are switching over to supply e-cigarettes with nicotine. This is a new market for then and not the end. I just heard on the news the other day that we can expect them to be advertising on TV soon, because the e-cigarette is not falling under the current tobacco regulations.
2013-06-16 3:40 am
sadly to say no, it is to say that the problem with addictions substitutes wont last long in other words that's why they call it substitutes cause nothing will cure the addiction like the real thing so for now until the can figure out a 100% way of getting rid of the addiction completely no i don't think e-cigarettes or any other substitute will get rid of cigarettes
2013-06-16 3:19 am
Do not ever underestimate the evil that can lurk beneath the profit motives of corporations and CEOs.
2013-06-16 3:15 am
Honestly, I don't think so. If you think about it, it's still just as expensive as smoking cigarettes. Buy a new battery, new flavors, and other stuff for it is just as expensive. And the actual e-cig it's self is $40 where I live.
參考: A lot of my friends smoke e-cigs.
2013-06-16 12:01 am
Hello, My answer is...

Yes. E-Cigarettes Are Smart. They would buy more E-Cigarettes instead of old cigarettes because old cigarettes would cost too much for buying them and buying them and buying them. E-cigarettes would be cheaper and wouldn't need too much money to buy them and buy them. People think of Supply and Demand And E-Cigarettes would be the biggest company. People think about the money and with this people would want to buy E-cigarettes More than only old fashioned cigarettes. That Is my Answer. Thank you for your time reading this Answer.

Sincerely, Monzerat Cardoso
2013-06-15 11:42 pm
Definitely not. Just like today, kids will always want to know what it feels like to smoke a "real" cigarette and not just a "wimpy" E-Cigarette. On top of that cigarette companies will do anything to stay in business no matter what it takes. It is a great concept but just not reality.
2013-06-17 7:25 pm
Just my opinion...

Smoking and E-cigarettes/nicotine vaporizers are two completely different experiences. An E-cigarette isn't a Tobacco product but can replace one. I was a pack a day smoker for 10 years and have not had a regular cigarette in 4 months. Besides smoking cigarettes I used to thoroughly enjoy TOBACCO. I loved the smell of it, the taste of it, the sting it leaves in your mouth. I would smoke cigars, pipes etc. To me smoking had a bit of a connoisseur/hobby/ritual aspect (sampling different rare tobaccos/ hand rolling etc..). Now that I have an E-cigarette all that is gone.

I would have never Invested in an E-cigarette if weren't trying to quit/cut back.
2013-06-17 7:12 pm
no because people will STILL be addicted to smoking.
2013-06-17 6:48 pm
E-Cigarettes is still dangerous to other people so as tobacco.
Thats impossible for E-Cigarettes to shut down tobaccos company.
2013-06-17 1:51 pm
So many ignorant answers here. To answer the question directly: will this be the end of tobacco companies? No, certainly not. The initial research on E-Cigarettes suggests that they can help people to quit smoking with a fair deal of success. However, the same set of research also shows that they still incur an increased difficulty breathing. Please do not read this as an illness, it means your lungs, in response to receiving anything but a gaseous compound of 80% Nitrogren, 20% Oxygen, begin to require more pressure to inhale the same volume of gas. This is not to be confused with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), a side effect of inhaling nicotine. E-Cigs liquids come in various nicotine strengths, and many offer 0% nicotine mixtures. Regardless, the nicotine blends require just that: nicotine. Guess where nicotine comes from? You guessed it. Tobacco.

My girlfriend was a smoker of 10 years until she took a smoking cessation class roughly 6 months ago. They gave her a 1 month supply of patches (those things are expensive!) and ways to help combat her addiction. After 3 months, she finally came off the patches and was none too pleased about it, but eventually got over her nicotine addiction. However, she would still crave smoking. It was what she did on break at her work and through college, so to her it was synonymous with relaxing. That is the real issue with getting smokers to quit: it's linked to relaxing or taking a break, and who doesn't like that?

One of her friends from work (she teaches high school math) suggested getting an E-Cigarette because they use a glycol solution to emit what is basically water vapor with no nicotine. As long as it didn't contain any harmful chemicals or nicotine, I didn't mind it. Sure enough it's working and is far cheaper than smoking ever would be ($40 for the base, $5 for 10mL refills which last several weeks).

Two suggestions she would give to anyone trying to quit: exercise and isolation. Exercising, she says, made her feel disgusted with cigarettes, and isolating herself from fellow smokers definitely helped as well. We made a visit to her family in St. Louis, most of whom smoke, and she had gone through several packs of cigarettes behind my back, too ashamed to tell me until I smelled it on her. It was not an easy battle but she says that having someone like me to motivate her helped.
2013-06-17 9:00 am
Let's get this understood right away. This is merely a new form of nicotine addiction...isn't it?

The 1964 U.S. Surgeon General's Report clearly states that nicotine addiction is even stronger than heroin addiction. So...packaging it differently is 'mereley packaging'...IT'S STILL NICOTINE ADDICTION!!

I'm sixty years of age..and never understood people--who would wish others to consider themselves as intelligent---go and willingly become lifelong addicts. And make no mistake about it...nicotine addiction is no less a lowlife addiction that crack, heroin, cocaine, etc. It's just a "government sanctioned" addiction...because the government garners huge revenues from the tobacco and nicotine industries.

AND..before some 'political' idiot comes on with his "FREEDOM" speech...and calling me a liberal...or...conservative...I have all my life been apolitical. I have absolutely no interest in either side.

I am more interested in COMMON SENSE!!! Nicotine addiction is STILL nicotine addiction...whether it's chewing tobacco, cigars, cigarettes,

Generation after generation after generation of mindless, weak, pathetic people willingly becoming lifelong addicts!! And they often perpetuate this weakness with their own children.

And "NO" I am NOT a religious nut. Just someone who believes people should use common sense in their lives. And "NO"...before someone intimates I probably have SOME addiction of one kind or another....NOY A ONE! Common I wrote earlier!!!

People will come on here talking about rights, etc. Uh-huh...the right to be an addict!!!

Hitler was right: "It is fortunate for those in power taht those they administer do not think."
2013-06-16 3:33 pm
smoking is smoking and it does not have any dependence on the types,so it should be stopped as soon as possible.
參考: i do not use any sites
2013-06-16 4:21 am
No, because people are so addicted to the real thing that they will think that E-Cigarettes are disgusting.
2013-06-16 3:57 am
Never. As an ex-smoker there's no artificial thing that could ever replace a real dose of nicotine from the tobacco plant. There's nothing cool about it, smokers are after the fix they receive from tobacco, not how cool they look doing it.
2013-06-16 2:03 am
Its still smoking, and IMO is just a new fad that has been introduced to milk people of their money now that they aren't smoking any more.

To me, they are unimpressive and I wouldn't spend any money of them.
2013-06-16 1:05 am
this is the new diet aid to lose weight.
2013-06-16 12:18 am
No, people are still gonna smoke, get cancer, and die.

Besides, we don't even know if these e-cigs are really safe.

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