AIDS Question! Fast!20points!

2013-06-12 12:25 am
What is the three modes of transmisson of AIDS?

回答 (1)

2013-06-12 3:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Body fluid such as semen and blood
2) Share contaminated equipment such as needles
3) Sexual transmission included oral, anal, etc

2013-06-12 07:35:35 補充:
BTW, 愛滋病, AIDS, 正確名稱係獲得性免疫缺陷症候群( Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 是感染HIV後,因免疫系統受到破壞,逐漸成為好多伺機性疾病的攻擊目標,促成多種癥狀,而非單純的一種疾病.所以嚴格來說AIDS不會傳染

會傳播的是HIV病毒, 但有HIV病毒不一定有AIDS.
參考: 自己, 美國註冊婦產科高級護士, 自己, 美國註冊婦產科高級護士

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