
2013-06-12 12:19 am
個人短講title------How to help a friend who feels lonely?
My role model.

I need both.2 mins plz.


My role model -----mother teresa? Nick?(who doesn't have limbs) plz dont be your parent or teacher.thank you

回答 (2)

2013-06-12 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
are they two speech?

How to help a friend who feels lonely?

1.chat with him/her

know more about him/her, make him/her feel being cared

example: start with common ground such as academic stuff, interest

2. invite him/her to join some clubs/ activities with you

widen his/her horizon and social circle, find things he/she is interested in --> not lonely

example: debating team--> meet more people, raise awareness of social issues, maybe love debate

My role model
Mother Theresa
may think of her braveness( taking care of sick people and do not fear them), generosity( donate money from Nobel Prize to her charity)

These are some pts and hope u can write your own speech
參考: me
2013-06-13 12:23 pm
When my friend feels lonely, I will be all ears. I will listen to his complaints very carefully, and try to provide him with a feasible solution. If the problem is beyond our control, then the best I can do is to soothe his gloomy feelings. I will take my friend to “High Tea” in a decent restaurant, hopefully the ambient atmosphere will help him to relieve the stress of his problem. I will accompany my friend to engage in the activities that he enjoys. With all of these, I believe the lonely feeling will be disappeared.My role model is Michael Dell who is the CEO of Dell Computer. He started his computer business at the age of 19, and he is the youngest CEO to be listed on the Fortune 500. I admire his knowledge, leadership skills, and his board horizon of the business he is currently in. Nowadays, Dell Computer had become a very reliable brand in this field. He is emulating himself continuously. Since he is my role model, I will learn my knowledge eagerly and contribute to the society upon my graduation from College.

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