Taking a train for the first time.?

2013-06-10 9:54 pm
In a couple weeks I will be visiting a friend that I haven't seen in awhile. According to Amtrack, I will be leaving from Ontario at 6am be in Bakersfield around 9:45 and catch another train that will get me to Fresno by noon. I'm a bit nervous considering I've never taken a train before and I will be alone. I plan to buy my ticket online. But when I get tithe station who do I give the ticket to? How will I know which train to get on? Is it safe? Can I bring food? What are the rules about carry on? If anyone can give me a general scenario of what to expect or any tips or warnings that would be great! Please and thank you!

回答 (5)

2013-06-11 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think your route is actually an Amtrak Thruway bus and a train, not two trains. I could be wrong.

You can bring food.

You don't give the ticket to anyone when you get to the station. You hold onto the ticket. They collect them on the train.

At big stations (like Los Angeles or New York), they have signs saying where to go to find the right train. At small staffed stations (like Van Nuys), they make an announcement on the station's PA system. At extremely small unstaffed stations (like Camarillo), there are so few trains at 6 a.m. (as in less than one Amtrak train an hour) that you can just ask the conductor of each train if it is the right one.

Make sure not to get on the Metrolink train. That's not an Amtrak train. It's a commuter train into or out of L.A. Metrolink and Amtrak share some stations.
2013-06-11 12:04 pm
if you board in ontario you will first board amtrak bus- NOT A TRAIN
then in bakerfield you then board a the train
you will give the ontario-bakersfield ticket to the bus driver
there will only be one bus
you can bring food and buy food on the train
2013-06-11 8:02 am
All I can say is; good luck and be safe
2013-06-11 4:55 am
Good luck with life if you can't manage this. You ever go to the bathroom by yourself.
2013-06-11 4:55 am
51 Ophiuchi has a disk of dust and gas that appears to be a young debris disk and is probably a planetary system in the late stages of formation. This system resembles Beta Pictoris, a well known star with a large debris disk, in several ways: spectral type, the presence of an edge-on disk with both gas and dust, and the presence of variable blue-shifted absorption lines suggesting in-falling comets.[9][10]
The distance to 51 Ophiuchi is much greater than the distance to Beta Pictoris, and its debris disk is relatively compact. As a consequence, the disk around 51 Ophiuchi requires an interferometer to resolve, in contrast to that of Beta Pictoris, which has been observed using visual spectrum imaging.[11] Recent observations of 51 Ophiuchi made with the Keck Interferometer Nuller at the W. M. Keck Observatory show that the disk has two components: a central cloud of large particles (exozodiacal dust) surrounded by a much larger cloud of small silicate particles extending to about 1,000 astronomical units.[10] The inner disk has a radius approximately four times the distance between the sun and the Earth, with a density of around 100,000 times that of the dust in our solar system.[9]

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