Is there a sight that lets you print out your past tax return for free. I need a copy for college.?

2013-06-09 5:07 pm
Been so busy trying to GET the return, and just lost the paper work that came with the money. A friend did it online, but can't be reached for the next couple of days so can I retrieve this info online for free?

回答 (5)

2013-06-09 6:23 pm
If you filed online, you might be able to reprint it from that site if you have the id and password that was used to create it. Otherwise use form 4506-T tp request a transcript from the IRS. Read the instructions on the form. You can request it online or by phone, or my mail. If you need it fast, you can also go to an IRS service center.
2013-06-09 5:12 pm
You can order your tax return transcript (not your parents copy) at Allow a week in the mail.

If you want it faster, you can either go in person to an IRS taxpayer assistance center or find a professional, pay them, sign a POA and let them order it.
2013-06-10 3:14 am
ask your friend what site he used
it will probably cost you more than the $57 IRS will charge you
2013-06-09 11:41 pm
If you are the President, the Vice President, or the Vice President's wife, then you can print it from the site where they posted their tax returns, after they got a paper copy, and had one of their employees scan the whole thing and post it online.

If you are anyone else in the world, then no.
2013-06-09 5:27 pm
sing up for IRS online and that would be the most reliable place to use, do not trust other website since some of them are try to steel your personal information

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