check grammar

2013-06-10 12:15 am
pls help to check the grammar of the following sentence.

Here I suggest advertising and penalty is not enough,but more rewards for those who care about the world.

回答 (3)

2013-06-10 8:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Advertising and penalty is not enough, no doubt. But giving more rewards for those who care about the world will be a better way for __________.

我諗你用呢句會更表達到你的意思. (如果我無get錯><')
參考: N/A
2013-06-10 5:17 pm
I would like to suggest that advertising and penalty are not sufficient, but there will be more rewards for those who care about theworld.
2013-06-10 3:35 am
Grammar並無問題, 但logic好似...
"advertising' 和 "penalty" 是否相關呢?

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