Pisces-Aries Cusp woman & Leo man love compatibility?

2013-06-08 2:25 pm
I am a Pisces-Aries Cusp and he is a Leo

My boyfriend and i have great sex (which I think is most of the reason we are still together) and we have this connection that I cannot explain that seems to just come over all the problems in our relationship. We love each other but we fight constantly and a lot of other things but anyway....

I couldn't find anything on Pisces-Aries Cusp woman and Leo man compatibility, so can anyone help me?

回答 (1)

2013-06-10 8:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
You charmed the pants out of your Leo boyfriend with your romantic side but after the loving is gone you begin to try and control him. Honestly, have you get bored and irritated at his demands on you?
If you two don’t watch out you will eventually lose sight of what it was they loved about each other outside of the bedroom.Your boyfriend is way too sensitive and tends to hide his feelings (often he is too pride to talk about it) which only makes things worse. Both of you are stubborn as hell and it will take a lot of understanding and patience on both of you to make it work. On the other hand you will care for one another even if and when the relationship is over.

Cusp is VERY RELATIVE thing, as is compatibility by sun signs- please come to bitly/astro-app, fill the form, and I will(both for you and him) give you complete explanation!
2016-03-14 10:31 pm
Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs. This means Aquarius and Leo are very different, but also have the chance to learn from each other. If there's one thing a Leo needs, it's to be adored - by everyone around him or her, surely, but by a lover first and foremost. Leos require a constant stream of attention and praise. Aquarius tends to be self-motivated, which means Aquarius may not be interested in stroking Leo's ego 24/7. Aquarius can easily hurt their partner with their natural aloofness, often without even realizing it. Compromise is the key to making this relationship work.
2015-08-19 6:35 pm
This Site Might Help You.

Pisces-Aries Cusp woman & Leo man love compatibility?
I am a Pisces-Aries Cusp and he is a Leo

My boyfriend and i have great sex (which I think is most of the reason we are still together) and we have this connection that I cannot explain that seems to just come over all the problems in our relationship. We love each other but we fight constantly...
參考: pisces aries cusp woman leo man love compatibility: https://shortly.im/q0zDH

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