Transferring to John Jay college?

2013-06-08 8:04 am
I am currently studying in Kingsborough Community College, I am majoring in community health right now, but I wanna change my major to criminal justice. My brother told me to continue with community health in CC, and then transfer to a 4-year school and change it there. Well, if I was gonna do that; what about my credits? I have been doing community health along the way, therefore, will I be starting in a 4-year school with no credit at all?
I know I should be asking my adviser about this, but if you guys can help; i appreciate it

回答 (1)

2013-06-10 2:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Pathways Initiative at CUNY makes it very easy for students to transfer credits from their associate degree program to a senior college within CUNY. I suggest you speak to your transfer coordinator at Kingsborough to see if it makes sense for you to change your major now or wait until you begin at a senior college. They would determine this by assessing how many credits you have already completed in your major. John Jay College allows transfer students to select any major they wish, as long as they meet the admission requirements.

Good luck.

Stephanie Autenrieth, M.Ed.
Director of Admissions
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

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