
2013-06-09 6:48 am
作文題目:The Pros and Cons of using smartphone

可以用英文打有D咩point 嗎,

我淨係識用中文講D point ,唔識用轉英文


幫幫我 please

回答 (1)

2013-06-09 9:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Convenience (n.) Convenient (adj.) 方便
E.g. It is convenient for people to send emails as they can use smartphone.

2. Can use smartphone to surf the net. 可以上網
so, convenient to search for information 方便搵資料

3. For Fun 娛樂
As we can play many games, e.g. candy crush
Release stress and boredom 舒緩壓力和悶氣

1. Too dependent on phone 太依賴電話
Overuse of smartphone (leads to addiction of internet/ games )
過分使用智能電話 (上癮)
2. Health 健康
Overuse of phone (leads to lack of sleep, shortsighted )
過分使用智能電話 (唔夠訓, 近視)
3. Languages
People send messages (whatsapp) to communicate 溝通
use misspelt words and wrong grammar (because of the convenience)
用串錯既字同唔岩既TENSE (因為方便)
leads to poor language of the youths who always communicate with others using smartphones.

Counter-argument: 反駁
**Communication 溝通
New tool for communication, such as whatsapp 溝通的新工具
It leads to good relationship between friends as we can share anything anytime
Especially teenagers, new culture/ fashion to use smartphone
令到人既關係好左, 因為可以隨時分享身邊既野
尤其是青少年, 用SMARTPHONE係佢地既一種文化

But, in fact, it may not be good for communication 但未必真係咁好
because people always use phone to communicate with others
lose face-to-face interaction 無面對面既溝通

可以最後總結話都係過分使用先係問題所在, 如果適當使用就OKAY.
參考: http://ttmssd.org/Int/ST/Activity/2012/03/article/article.php我D POINT係翻譯出黎,有D自己諗

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