How many guys agree with me that a women's place is in the home and that?

2013-06-08 1:29 am
most of them shouldn't be allowed to vote?It seems like ever since women started voting the country started going downhill. Lets face it they will vote for someone that has a nice Smile e.t.c..

回答 (7)

2013-06-08 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
2013-06-08 8:39 am
This is sexist. You cannot generalise like that. it depends on the relationship really. Yes, SOME women do spend a lot of their time in the kitchen but some of them have jobs. A lot of boys/men spend a lot of time in the kitchen as well. It depends on the relationship really. For example, in homosexual couples like lesbians and gay boys quite often one of them may have a job and the other would be at work. Or they may just share the load evenly. Women are equally as intelligent as men, they just are perceived as objects by the media for some unknown reason. A lot of women are stupid and for some reason men may look at them more because of sexual promiscuity and they are noticed more. While that was forming a stereotype, many women succeeded and became great things like politicians and scienists. It is kind of sexist how you would ask something like this really. Do you know anything about women?
參考: me
2013-06-08 8:31 am
You don't belong in a western democracy.Move to Saudi Arabia.
2013-06-08 8:38 am
Oh, really? So you're saying that everything prior to 1920 was okay?


I think it's time to take the vote away from straight men for a century. All they do is start wars. I don't think women could POSSIBLY do worse.
2013-06-08 9:18 am
wow I guess women and most men HATES you
2013-06-08 8:56 am
F u
2013-06-09 2:15 am
You can't blame America's problems on women being given freedom.
There are plenty of places where women have no freedom at all and there are much more horrible problems. And there are places where women have freedom and they're doing better than America.

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